Scarecrow Pt 4

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"Cheyenne," I heard a voice call as I came too. "Sweetheart, I need you to open your eyes, please," It begged. I groaned as my head began to throb. Slowly, I opened my eyes. When I did, I realized we were in the dark, but I could see Dean kneeling beside me. "Ah, there she is."

 "What happened?" I questioned, sitting up. Dean helped me and put a hand on my back.

"You got a pretty good bump from the Sheriff," He explained. I nodded looking around. "They put us in a cellar, and Emily is here too." I looked over to see the girl standing a few feet a way.

 "Why?" I questioned. 

"Apparently, they need people for the ritual and fast, and we are on the list," He told me. 

"Did you figure out how to kill the stupid scarecrow?" I asked, reaching up to rub my head.

"Don,'t," Dean stopped me. "But, yes, Emily told me about a tree int the orchard, one that some immigrants brought over, so all we have to do is find that.."

"And burn it," I finished. Before Dean could say anything else, the doors to the cellar opened up. Emily's aunt and uncle, Scotty, and a few others stood above us.

 "It's time," Emily's aunt told us. 

They forced us out and took us into the orchard, tying us to separate trees. At one point, I attempted to get loose, by kicking the sheriff in the knee. He caught me.

"If I were you, I would stay still," He threatened. I looked up at him.

 "Screw you," I mumbled. This earned me a backhand to the face. I cried out in pain, catching my brothers attention. He was already tied up.

 "Leave her alone!" I heard him yell. He was tied up to the tree behind me. "Cheyenne, sweetheart, are you okay?" He asked, in a more gentle tone.

 "Yeah," I said, holding back tears. "I'm good." The sheriff finished tying me and walked back towards Dean and Emily.

"How many people have you killed, Sheriff?" Dean asked. "How much blood is on your hands?"

 "We don't kill them," The sheriff explained. 

"No, but you sure cover up after," I spoke up. "I mean, how many cars have you hidden or clothes have you buried?" There was no answer. 

"Uncle Harley, please," I heard Emily beg her uncle. I could tell she was crying, and I didn't blame her one bit. I understood what it felt like when family turned against you. 

"I'm sorry,  Em," The man told her. "I wish it wasn't you."

"Try to understand," Her aunt now spoke up. "It's our responsibility and there's just no other choice." She tried to explain to her niece. "There's nobody else but you." 

 "You already have me," I spoke up. "She doesn't need to be here, just let her go," 

"Cheyenne, stop," Dean urged me. 

Scotty walked over to me. "We don't know for sure that siblings would work, we have to have options, sweetheart," He leaned down to me. "I'm sure that you won't be left behind thought." A few tears escaped down my cheek

 "Hey!" Dean yelled again. "I said stay away from her!" The sheriff rolled his eyes, but stood and walked away. 

 "I'm your family," Emily spoke again.

 "Sweetheart," her aunt started. "That's what sacrifice means, giving up something you love for the greater good." She once again explained. "This town needs to be saved." I could hear her tearing up and rolled my eyes. "The good of the many outweighs the good of the one."

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