Phantom Traveler Pt 3

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   We got on the plane and quickly found our seats.   

     "I'll be in the middle," I said, and sat down before either boy could argue. Sam took the window seat and Dean took the aisle one. I fastened my seat belt and held onto the arm rests. Dean grabbed a safety pamphlet as the engine started up, trying to distract himself. 

    The loudspeaker told everyone to prepare for take off. I whimpered as I felt the plane fly into the air, and squeezed my eyes shut. I felt a hand grab mine, and looked over to see Sam. 

    "You'll be just fine," He assured me. He told Dean to try and relax. 

   "Just try to shut up," Dean snapped back. 

    The plane shook as it reached the correct altitude, then smoothed out. I heard humming and looked over to see it was Dean. Sam must have heard too.

   "You humming Metallica?" He questioned. Dean claimed it calmed him down. I wish I had a way to calm myself down. I wasn't doing the best, especially when I looked over and out the window. 

    I snapped my head back and yelped quietly. "Sam, could you shut your window, please," I begged. Sam looked over at me and quickly pulled the screen, so I couldn't see anything.

     "Are you sure you should be doing this?" Sam questioned. "You're worse than Dean." He rubbed my arm. I nodded. Dean continued to hum. Dean being nervous, was not helping me int the slightest. 

    "Look man, I get your nervous, all right," Sam whispered to Dean. "But you got to stay focused." 

   Dean nodded. "Okay." 

   "I mean, we got 32 minutes and counting to track this think down, or whoever it's possessing anyway, and perform a full-on exorcism," 

    "On a crowded plane, that's gonna be easy," I remarked. 

   "Let's just take it one step at a time, all right," Sam tried to calm both of us down. "Now, who is it possessing?" 

   "Well," Dean said taking a deep breath. "It's usually gonna be somebody with some sort of weakness, you know, a chink in the armor that a demon can worm through." Dean explained, looking over at Sam and I. "Somebody with an addiction or emotional distress."

   "Would a fear of heights count as emotional distress?" I questioned, getting more nervous. Sam grabbed my hand again.

    "No, you should be fine," I could tell he was just lying to get me to relax. He then looked past me.

   "Well, this is Amanda's first flight since the crash," Sam remembered. "If I were here, I'd be pretty messed up." Dean and I nodded.

   When a flight attendant walked by, Dean stopped her. "Excuse me, are you Amanda." The women said no. "Oh, my mistake." He looked back to see the other flight attendant in the back area. 

    "Alright, well, that's got to be Amanda back there," Dean informed Sam. "So, I'll go talk to her and uh, I'll get a read on her mental state." 

    "What if she's already possessed?" I asked, trying to focus on my brothers as much as possible. 

   "There's ways to test that." Dean told me, reaching into his bag and pulling out a clear bottle of liquid. "I brought holy water." Sam rolled his eyes and took the water away from Dean.

   "No, I think we can go more subtle," He reasoned. "If she's possessed, she'll flinch at the name of God." 

   "Nice," Dean commented, unbuckling and standing up. Before he could leave Sam called him back. "What?" 

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