Bugs Pt 3

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   As we drove, Dean called Larry. He was trying to tell him that there was a gas leak and that everyone needed to get out. 

   "Yes, Mr. Pike, theres a main pipe gas leak in your neighborhood," Dean confirmed to Larry. There was a pause. "Well, it's fairly extensive." he explained. "I don't want to alarm you, but, uh, we need your family out of the vicinity for at least 12 hours or so just to be safe." Larry must have asked who it was, and Dean said his name was Travis Weaver, who worked for Oklahoma Gas and Power. Suddenly, Dean closed his phone. He must have been caught.

  "Give me the phone," Sam took it. He dialed a number and put it to his ear. 

  "Matt, it's Sam," He said. "Matt, just listen, you have to get your family out of that house right now, okay?" A pause. "Because something's coming." I got closer to the phone. I heard Matt ask if it was more bugs. "Yeah, a lot more." Sam confirmed. "You gotta make him listen, okay?" 

   "Give me the phone, give me the phone," Dean said, taking it from Sam again. "Matt under no circumstances are you to tell the truth, he'll just think you're nuts." I heard Matt start to argue. "Tell him you have a sharp pain in your right side and you gotta go to the hospital, okay?" Matt agreed and hung up the phone. 

  "Make him listen?" He glared at Sam. "What are you thinking?" 

  A few minutes later, we pulled up to thier house, I saw lights on inside. 

  "I think they're still here," I commented. 

  "Come on," Dean told Sam.

  "Dean?" I questioned? He turned back to me. 

 "Cheyenne, you stay right here, okay, nothing can get you in here," Dean grabbed my hands and kissed them. "We'll be back soon." He and Sam got in the car and ran up to the house. 

   As they made their way to the front door, Larry and Matt came out. I couldn't hear, but could tell that the four of them were fighting about the bugs. All of a sudden there was a buzzing sound, and it grew louder. I saw Larry look around and Matt pointed up to the sky. I looked through the window to see a giant swarm of bugs, coming right for the house. The four ran into the house, while I crouched down on the floor of the impala. I could hear the bugs hitting the car as they flew by. I started to cry and felt my chest tighten. I tried to tell myself that they couldn't get to me and to breath, but it wasn't working. I had to keep myself calm, I couldn't pass out right now. I held my hands over my ears and waited for it to be over. It felt like ages, but the sun began to come out. Slowly, the buzzing around the car went away. I didn't want to move until Sam or Dean came out. I shut my eyes and continued to cry.

   "Cheyenne!" I heard Dean shout. Sam shouted as well.  A few seconds later, the back door of the car was opened. I felt someone tap my cheek and my eyes flew open, and I began to panic. "Hey, hey, it's over okay," Dean explained, grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the car. "It's good, the bugs are gone."

  I threw myself into his arms, wrapping mine around his waist. I felt Sam against my back. "Guys,'  I said. "I hate bugs." 

  I heard them chuckle. "I know sweetheart, and hopefully we won't have to deal with them again." I heard Dean say as he rubbed my back. After I calmed down, we we headed to the nearest motel to get some rest.

   I couldn't sleep after everything that happened. I quietly snuck outside, without waking my brothers. I walked out and slid onto the hood of the impala. A few minutes later, I started crying. There was no one reason, after the last few months, I just needed a good cry. I didn't even hear the motel room door open and close.

  "Cheyenne, sweetheart, what are you doing out here," I heard Dean ask. I looked up at him and that's when he noticed my tears. He walked over to me, sitting beside me. "Honey, why are you crying?" 

  "It's nothing, I'm fine," I gave him a small smile. He took my face in his hands, and used his thumbs to wipe my tears.

   "If it's making you cry, then it isn't nothing," He stated. "Now, will you please tell me what's going on in that head of yours?"

  "It's just...I don't know....everything," I admitted. He nodded, not talking, letting me continue. "With trying to find dad, and the hunts haven't been easy, and you and Sammy fighting all the time....I just...feel overwhelmed." I said, quickly.

   Dean took everything in before he spoke. "Well...I know that Dad is a tough subject for you to talk about and I know why, believe me, and I'm sorry about Sam and I." He wrapped and arm around my shoulder. "Look, I can't promise that Sam and I won't fight, but we can try to do better." 

  "Thank you," I sniffled, cuddling closer to him.

It was silent for few minutes, before Dean spoke up again. "Early, you said that you wanted to leave Dad... was that true?

  "I mean...yeah...kind of," I explained. "There were days when I wished that I had left, for obvious reasons."

   "Why didn't you," Dean questioned. "I mean, you had every right to leave."

  "Because," I sighed. "Sam had left already and you and dad were already upset, so I stayed to make sure you were happy." 

   "Well, thank you for staying," he said, kissing the top of my head. "I don't know what me and Sammy would do if you weren't here."

   "Probably kill each other," I joked. 

  Dean laughed and held me tighter. We stayed there for a little while, before heading back to the room. I slept in the bed with Dean and got great sleep, knowing that both he and Sam would be there for me.

  The next day, we headed back to see how Larry and his family were doing. When we pulled up, we noticed a moving truck parked there. Seem's like Larry took Sam and Dean's advice.

  "What, no goodbye," Dean questioned, as we walked over to Larry's house.

  "Good timing," Larry commented. "Another hour and we'd have been gone." We shook his hand.

  "For good?" I asked. He nodded.

  "Yeah the, uh, development's been put on hold while the government investigates those bones you found," Larry told us. "But I'm gonna make damn sure no one lives here again."

   "You don't seem too upset about it." Sam commented. 

  "Well, this has been the biggest financial disaster of my career, but.." he looked over at his son carrying a box. "Somehow... I really don't care." 

  We nodded and smiled at each other. It was nice to the family acting like a family. Sam walked over to talk to Matt, while Dean and I headed to the car. The two talked for a few minutes and Sam came over to us. We sat and watched the father and son talk.

   "I wanna find dad," Sam stated, not looking at us. 

   "Me too, Sammy," I told him, hugging his arm. 

  "Me too," Dean agreed. 

  "I just wanna.." Sam took a breath. "I wanna apologize to him." 

   "For what?" Dean asked. 

  "All the things I said to him," Sam said. "He was just doing the best he could." 

 "Well, don't worry we'll find him," I held back my tears and got into the car. I didn't want to hear the rest of the conversation. I couldn't pretend that dad did the "best he could" for me. 

  The boys got in the car, and we gave a final wave to Larry as we drove on down the road. 



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