Bloody Mary Pt 1

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     We were currently in a small town in Ohio. Dean had learned that a man here had a tragic death and we decided to check it out. Dean was going over some papers in the car, while I sat in the back looking at the laptop, and Sam slept in front.

   Out of nowhere, Sam began to breath heavy and shout no. I glanced up as Dean shook Sam awake. 

    "I take that I was having another nightmare?" Sam questioned, already knowing the answer. 

    "Ya, another one," I stated,  sitting up and closing the laptop. 

  "Hey, at least I got some sleep," Sam commented. 

  "You know, sooner or later, we're gonna talk about this," Dean explained, looking back at the papers in his hands. 

    "Are we here," Sam asked, looking around outside. 

    "Yep, welcome to Toledo, Ohio," I stated, getting out of the car, while Dean and Sam talked about the case. I already heard enough on the drive. 

    Sam and Dean joined me a few minutes later, and we walked into the morgue together. We came up to a younger man at a desk. 

   "Can I help you?" The man asked, looking up from the book he was reading. 

   "Yeah, we are the med students," Dean explained, making up a quick lie. 

   The man looked confused. "What?" He asked.

   "Oh, Dr. Fliglavitch didn't tell you?" Dean questioned, pointing over to the empty desk. "We talked to him on the phone, we're from Ohio State and he was supposed to show us the Shoemaker corpse for our paper." 

  "Well, I'm sorry, he's at lunch," The man said, with a hint of unbelief. 

 "Well, he said, uh... well, you know, it doesn't matter," Dean stuttered. "You don't mind showing us the body, do you?" 

  "Sorry, I can't," The man told us. "Doc will be back in an hour, you can wait for him, if you want." 

   "An hour," I sucked my teeth. "We gotta be heading back to Columbus," I reminded the boys, looking over at them. "Look, this paper is like half our grade, so if you don't mind helping us out?

  "Look man, no" The man replied. Dean mumbled something about hitting the man in his face. Sam pushed Dean back and I stepped forward. I reached into my pocket and pulled out some money.

   "Look, it would really be helpful if we could see that body," I said, in a sweet tone. I leaned over the desk and set the money down, running a finger over his hand as I left it. My body shivered when I did it, from the odd look he gave me."So, if there is anything you could do, I would really appreciate it." I let my hair hang down.

  The man looked at the money and then at me. "Follow me, miss." He said, taking the money and standing up. He placed a hand on my back. "It is right this way," He said, letting his hand linger a bit longer. I smiled and followed behind him, ignoring the looks from my brothers. We came to the room, where his body laid.

   "Now, the newspapers said, his daughter found him," Sam wondered aloud. "She said his eyes were bleeding." 

   "More than that," The man pulled the sheet from Mr. Shoemaker's body. "They practically liquefied." He revealed the face, and the two holes where his eyes used to be.

   "Oh my god," I whispered, not prepared to see that. 

   "You good, honey," The man asked, smirking at me. "If not, I can take you in the hall." I almost gagged when I knew what he meant. 

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