Provenance Pt 4

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 We headed off to find some local death certificates, to see what happened to the father of the Merchant family, Isaiah. Dean and I went inside, to let Sarah and Sam talk for a little bit. It wasn't very fun, just a lot of explaining and searching. We did find something though and headed back to the other two. When we walked over, it was like they were having some deep conversation. Dean stepped in front of the two.

"Am I interrupting something here?" He questioned. The two looked up and shook their heads. 

"No, not at all," Sam stated. I didn't know if I believed him, but we had more important things to talk about. 

"Apparently," Dean stated.

"So, what'd you get?" Sam asked. 

"Apparently, the surviving relatives of the Merchant family were so ashamed of Isaiah that they didn't want him interred with the family, so they handed him over to the county." I explained. "The county gave him a pauper's funeral, economy style." Sam and Sarah looked at me confused. 

 "Turns out he wasn't cremated," Dean continued. "He was buried in a pine box."

"So there are bones to burn," Sam stated. 

"There are bones to burn," Dean agreed.

"Tell me you know where," Sam pleaded. 

Dean and I gave him a smirk.

Next thing I know, Sarah and I are standing with flashlights, while the boys are digging up the grave of Isaiah Merchant. It took them a while, but they got down to the box. Sam jumped out, leaving the rest to Dean.

"You guys seem uncomfortably comfortable with this," Sarah commented. 

"Well, this isn't exactly the first grave we dug," Sam explained. "Still think I'm a catch."

Below us, Dean hit a hard spot. "Think I got something," he shouted up. I shined my light down, watching as he used the shovel to break open the pine box. He revealed the bones of Isaiah Merchant. 

He climbed out. I dumped a bunch of salt on, and he poured on some gasoline. 

"You've been a real pain in the ass, Isaiah," Dean commented, lighting a match. "Good riddance." He tossed it into the grave. 

I thought we were done now, but for some reason, Sam wanted to go back to Evelyn's. Something about checking the painting. 

Dean pulled up to the house. 

"Keep the motor running," Sam stated, getting out of the car.

"I thought the painting was harmless now," Sarah pointed out. Sam turned to the back seat.

"Better safe than sorry," Sam stated. "We're gonna bury the sucker."

"I want to come with you," Sarah climbed out of the car. 

"Are you sure?" Sam questioned. Dean hushed him.

"Hey, hey," He called. "We'll stay here, you go make your move." Sam rolled his eyes and got out, following Sarah up the steps. "Sam, I'm serious." 

Dean reached and turned the radio up. A slow, romantic song played out, loud. Sam turned back to the car, giving Dean a "are you serious" look. I tried to reach up to turn in off, but Dean smacked my hand. Sam used his hand to signal Dean to turn it off. Dean rolled his eyes, but turned it off. Then Sam and Sarah disappeared in the house. 

I pinched Dean's arm. "Will stop interfering with Sam and Sarah," I begged.

"Just being helpful," Dean stated, rubbing his arm. 

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