Wendigo Pt 3

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    Night was upon, which scared me even more. Dean was finishing up drawing some figures in the dirt, things that would keep us safe. Hailey and Ben sat by the fire, Sam by a tree stump, and me in the dirt, a bit farther away. 

    "One more time, that's...?" Hailey asked Dean, about the figures in the dirt

    "Anasazi symbols, its for protection, "Dean explained, finishing up. "The wendigo can't cross over them." 

    Roy laughed from behind us. 

  "Nobody likes a skeptic, Roy," Dean argued, not even looking up at him. 

   "Or an idiot," I mumbled under my breath. I saw Dean walking towards me from the corner of my eye.

   "How you holding up, Cheyenne," He questioned kneeling beside me. I sighed, and shook my head. 

  "If I said I was okay, would you believe me," I asked, looking up at him. He gave me the "hell no" look. "Then not so great." I answered. 

     "I was just thinking," I began to explain. "Do you think dad will be happy to see me when we find him?" I asked, not meeting Deans eyes.

   "What do you mean?" Dean questioned.

    "I mean, dad never liked when I went on hunts, ya know, he thought I was not good enough," I poured out. "He kept me locked in motels while you guys left and he never trained me and..." before I could continue my rambling, Dean interrupted me. 

     "Hey, first of all, you are a good hunter, just like me and Sam," He started. When I didn't look up, he gently pulled my chin to face him. "Second, dad does care about you, he just shows it differently, okay." I nodded, but still didn't know if I believed him. 

     "It's just, the things he did..." I started to explain, but quickly shut my mouth. Dean got concerned.

    "Cheyenne, what is it?" He asked, making me look in his eyes. "What "things" did he do?"

    "Nothing, it's not that big of deal," I quickly changed the subject. "Maybe we should talk to Sam." Dean looked over and saw Sam deep in thought. 

     "Fine, but this conversation is not over." He stood up and went to talk things over with Sam. I stayed where I was, scared that I almost gave away a huge secret. Something dad told me never to speak of.  Dean sat with Sam for a while, I could tell it was the "family business" speech. 

      This quiet time was interrupted by yet another voice yelling out help. I stood up and ran to get behind Dean and Sam. Everyone stood in a circle, looking around the forest. 

    "It's trying to draw us out, everyone stay cool, stay put," Dean explained.

     "inside the magic circle," Roy teased. If I hadn't been scared, I would have smacked him. Instead I grabbed on to Deans jacket. "Dean?" I whispered. 

     "We're good, okay, just take deep breaths," Dean told me quietly, not needing me to panic. 

     There was a rustling in the bushes to our right. Everyone turned in that direction and backed up. 

    "Okay, thats no grizzly," Roy admitted, holding his gun out. Now he believes us, of course. We all continued to look around. I heard Hailey tell Ben it would be okay. This made me hold on to Dean tighter. Suddenly, there was another growl, closer this time. Dean whipped around and fell on my but behind him. 

      Roy shot at it, earning a pained sound from the creature. "I hit it!" he exclaimed, chasing it out of the circle and into the woods.

"Roy, no!" Dean yelled and chased after him. Not wanting to be without my brothers, I followed, but quickly fell behind. I heard another growl and Roy scream before silence.

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