Nightmare Pt 2

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Once again, we sped down the road, trying to keep someone else from being killed. The big problem, we had no idea what was doing this. We had nothing to go off of. Sam was on the phone again, trying to get an address. 

"Rodger Miller," he stated. "No, no, just the address, please." There was a pause. "Okay, thanks." Sam put the phone down. "450 West Grove, Apartment 1120."

"You okay?" I asked, leaning over the seat. He looked awful again, worse than last time.

"Yeah," Sam stated. Dean didn't look convinced.

"If you're gonna hurl, I'll pull the car over, cause the upholstery..." Sam cut him off.

"I'm fine... just drive," He told Dean. Dean nodded and was silent.

"I'm scared, guys," Sam admitted. "These nightmares weren't bad enough, now I'm seeing things when I'm awake." Dean and I shared a look through the mirror. "And these visons or whatever, they're getting more intense and painful."

I moved forward to put my arm around Sam. "You're gonna be fine, Sammy," I placed a kiss on his cheek. "Right, Dean?" I looked at him hopefully.

"Yeah, man, Cheyenne's right," Dean agreed. 

"What is it about the Millers?" Sam questioned, ignoring me and Dean. "Why am I connected to them...why am I watching them die?" I looked over at him. I would love to give him an answer, but I had no idea what was happening. "What the hell is happening to me?"

 Tears came tp my eyes as I thought about what Sam must be going through. I couldn't imagine knowing someone was about to die, but not knowing how to stop it. Dean glanced at me through the mirror again. He saw my facial expression.

"I don't know, Sam, but we'll figure it out, okay," he looked over at him. "We face the unexplainable every single day... this is just another thing, he stated. "And stop freaking out so much, okay, you're making Cheyenne panic." Sam turned to look at me. I wiped the tears away.

"I'm fine, Sammy, I promise," I gave him a small smile. He didn't look convinced, but turned to Dean again. 

"No, it's never been us," Sam argued. "It's never been in the family like this. "Tell me the truth," he demanded. "You can't tell me this doesn't freak you out... I mean, clearly Cheyenne is freaking out," he gestured back to me. 

"Sam, I am not..." Dean interrupted me. 

"This doesn't freak me out," he stated, not making any eye contact with our brother. I knew he was lying, deep down, he was worried about Sam. We both were. 

We continued the rest of the drive in silence. When we got close to the apartment, Dean and Sam spotted Rodger walking up to his door with groceries. Dean sped up to park the car.

"Hey Rodger!" Dean yelled out the window.

"Hold up a minute," Sam added. Dean slowed down and Rodger glanced over. He recognized the boys from the funeral earlier. 

"What are you guys, missionaries?" Rodger questioned, not slowing down. "Leave me alone." 

"Please!" Sam begged the man to stop and listen. Dean pulled over to the side and three of us got out, running in his direction. "Hey, Rodger, we're trying to help!" I ran ahead of the boys, trying to reach Rodger before he could enter the apartment. 

I just missed him and he slammed the door closed. I pounded on the glass. This apartment had a special system, you could only get in if you lived there. "Rodger, please!"

"I don't want your help," he stated, looking at me through the door. The boys reached the door as well. 

"We're not priest," Sam tried to explain. "You got to listen to us." Rodger rolled his eyes and headed up to his floor.

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