Best Brothers Ever

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We were now on our way to Minnesota. We got word that a young boy had seen something that might just be supernatural. Either way, we were gonna stop by, just in case. I decided to get some sleep. To be honest, I hadn't been sleeping great since Max. And now, as I slept, the nightmare made it's way back in my head.


    I was in the room again, with Dean and Sam. It was the same thing, only this time, Max looked at me, rather than Sam. The look he had broke my heart, as if he was asking me to help him. 

 "Max, please don't do this," I begged, watching the gun turn towards him again.

"Help me," he stuttered, before the gun  went off, and he fell to the ground.

"No, no!" I shouted. 

"Cheyenne!" Dean shouted at me in the dream. "Cheyenne, wake up!" He grabbed me and shook me. I was still crying. 

End of nightmare

I gasped as I sat up in the back seat of the impala. I was breathing hard and my face was wet, from the tears. I looked forward, seeing that we had came to a stop. Sam was still in the front seat, but Dean was now beside me, hands on my shoulders. He reached one up to wipe across my cheek. I tried to nudge him off.

"I'm fine," I assured him, reaching up to wipe the tears myself. Dean pulled my hand down.

"Sweetheart, you shouting and crying in your sleep... that's nowhere near fine," he looked right into my eyes. He brushed the hair from my face, tucking it behind my ear. "You wanna tell us what that was about?" I looked over to Sam, who gave me a sad smile. He reached over and put a hand on my leg. 

"It... it was... about M-Max," I told them, looking down at my lap. "I...I keep seeing....h-him die," I started crying again. Dean pulled me close, until I was practically sitting on his lap. He held my head against his shoulder. I felt Sam's hand rub my back. 

"Sweetheart, we've been over this," he told me. "There was nothing that any of us could have done to stop it."

"I know, but... I understood how he felt," I explained. "I mean... not about wanting to hurt family... but about being hurt...b-by someone w-ho is supposed to love you..." I stuttered. 

"Shh, shh, sweetheart," Dean whispered. "If you get too worked up, you're gonna have a panic attack... I need you to breath, okay," I nodded into his shoulder, taking deep breaths. We sat like that for a few minutes, before I pulled away from Dean. 

"Thanks," I told him. "Both of you." I smiled at Sam. 

"Hey, it's no big deal," Sam assured me. I nodded. "You think you'll be okay?"

"Yeah, as long as I don't fall asleep," I muttered. They looked concerned. "I'm fine, I promise, and... if I'm not, you two will be the first to know." Dean kissed my temple, before crawling out of the back. He gently shut the door, before getting back into his own seat.

He glanced at me one more time, before putting the car into drive and pulling back out onto the road. 

I cleared my throat. "So, how much longer?"

Dean looked at his watch. "About an hour or so." I nodded, leaning my head on the seat in front of me. "You sure you're okay?" He asked. 

The truth was, I wasn't okay. I mean, I was fine after the nightmare, but something else was wrong. I had felt nauseous since I woke up, but I thought it was from the dream. But as I sat in the car, the feeling got worse. I could feel the heat begin to rise to my head. This wasn't happening, I hated being sick. It was worse that we were on the way to a case. I hoped that resting would ease the feeling, but I felt the contents of my stomach rising up my throat. The last thing I wanted to do was get sick in Dean's car. 

"Dean, can you pull over again?" I asked, not lifting my head. Sam put a hand over my neck as Dean slowed the car.

"Cheyenne, what's going on?" Sam questioned, turning to face me. 

I quickly moved to the door and almost fell out of the car. I barely made it to my knees before I threw up all over the ground in front of me.

"Cheyenne!" I heard the boys shout my name. A second later they were by my side. Sam held my hair from my face, and Dean rubbed my back. 

"Your good, okay, breath through it," Dean said, softly. A few seconds later, I sat up, done throwing up for the moment. I leaned back into Dean's arms, breathing heavy. He pulled a rag from his pocket and wiped my face, seeing as I was a little weak. "Now, where did that come from?"

Sam stood and grabbed a bottle of water from the back of the car. He opened it and handed it to me. "Just take small sips," he directed. I did as told, feeling my stomach settle. 

Dean put a hand over my forehead. "God, you are burning up, Cheyenne," He moved me around, so he could look at my face better. "How long have you been feeling like this?" I shrugged. 

"Since the last rest stop," I admitted. "I thought that sleeping would help, but clearly, it made it worse," I mumbled. I closed my eyes, leaning more into Dean. I felt bad, sick. 

"Okay, you think you can make it to the next town, so we can you some medicine and stuff," Sam asked, rubbing my arm. I nodded. "I think it's probably just a bug, a few days you should be good."

"Yeah, I think so," I told him. "God, I hate being sick."

The boys stood and helped me to my feet, waiting for me to move. Slowly, we walked back over to the car. Dean took off his coat, and bundled it up.

"Here, sweetheart, you lay down and rest your eyes," he told me. I shook my head.

"No," I stated. The boys looked at me, concerned. "I'm afraid if I fall asleep, I'll have the... the dream and see M-Max," I explained, starting to get worked up. Dean rubbed my shoulders.

"Okay, you don't have to," Dean assured me. "What if Sam stayed back with you, then could you rest your eyes?" He asked. I thought about it. Sam would help me relax more.  I nodded. 

"Maybe," I told him. Sam got into the backseat first, and I climbed in after. I laid my head on his lap. Dean unfolded his jacket and laid it over me. 

Dean made sure we were comfortable and then headed back to his seat. Sam ran his hand through my hair, making me feel safe and secure. A few minutes later, I fell asleep. But this time, no nightmares came to me. I slept soundly knowing I had both my brothers close. We made it to the next town, where Dean ran in and grabbed some medicine and something for me to eat and drink. Once he was sure I wouldn't get sick again, we were back on the road. Sam stayed with me in the back, knowing I needed rest. 

I hated being sick, but loved the fact that I had two great people to take care of me. 

"Maybe we shouldn't do this case right now," Dean stated, as we drove down the road. My eyes were closed, but I wasn't asleep.

"Dean, it's just a bug, we can still do this hunt," I argued. Sam rubbed my side, to keep me calm. "Or at least you two, I can stay in the car and motel."

"Fine," Dean stated after a moment of thought. "But you are not to overwork yourself with research, alright?"

"Agreed," I said, snuggling more into Sam. 

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