Hook Man Pt 3

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   We headed to the library, to see if we could find where this hook was. I was reading a book about something, I honestly stopped reading like 30 minutes ago. Lucky for me, Dean suddenly spoke up.

    "Here's something I think." Dean stated. "Logbook, Iowa state penitentiary." he pointed down to the book. "Karns, Jacob, personal affects, disposition thereof..." he read through a bit of the book.

   "Does it mention the hook?" I asked, looking over him.

  "Upon execution, all earthly items shall be remanded to the prisoner's house of worship, St. Barnaba's Church." Dean read. 

   "Isn't that where Lori's father preaches?" Sam asked us. 

  "Yeah," Dean stated.

  "Also where Lori lives," I reminded them. 

 "Maybe that's why the hook man has been haunting Reverends and Reverends' daughters for the past 200 years." Dean agreed. 

   "But if the hook were at the church or Lori's house, don't you think someone might have seen it?" Sam questioned us. "I mean, a blood-stained, silver-handled hook?"

  "Check the church records," I brought up. I stood up to find a book. A few minutes later I sat down with it. I opened to the year that Jacob Karns was executed.

   "St. Barnabas donations, 1862," I scanned my finger over the words. "Received, silver-handled hook from state penitentiary." I read for my brothers. "Reforged." I sighed and sat back in my chair. 

  "They melted in down, made it into something else," Sam realized. We exchanged a look before knowing what we had to do next.

   We headed back to the church. Dean brought a bag with some weapons. 

   "Alright, we can't take any chances, anything silver goes in the fire," Dean stated, as we walked towards the church. 

   "I agree," Sam told Dean. "So Lori's still at the hospital, we'll have to break in." 

  "Alright, take your pick," Dean asked. 

  "I'll take the house," Sam said, turning towards Lori's. 

  "I'm gonna stick with Dean," I added.

  As Sam turned to leave, Dean stopped him. "Hey, stay out of her underwear drawer, okay." he told Sam, who rolled his eyes and kept walking.  Dean and I headed into the church. We made our way through, grabbing anything silver and tossing it into bag. We found a furnace in the basement. 

    I threw in some salt and fire starter. Dean and I began to throw in all the silver. A little bit later, Sam joined us. He had a bag of silver from Lori's house. 

   "I got everything that even looked silver." he said, starting to throw them in as well. 

 "Better safe than sorry," I agreed. 

  As we threw in the items, we heard foot steps above us. We looked up at the ceiling, listening carefully.

   "Move, move," Dean told us, heading up the stairs. We followed quickly. The boy's pulled out their guns, which, in all the fuss, I hadn't grabbed. So I stayed behind them, as they looked for what had made the noise. Dean put his gun down, and I looked over his shoulder. I saw Lori seating in one of the pews of the church, her head down. 

   "You two go see her," Dean told us. He went back down to light everything else on fire. 

  I nudged for Sam to go up to her, while I stood in the back. I knew that he had a better connection with her. He could her to talk. I didn't hear what they were saying. Before I could move closer I heard a whoosh sound. I made my way to Sam and Lori, not having any kind of protection for myself. I saw the candles get blown out. I had a feeling that we hadn't burned the hook yet. 

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