Hell House Pt 2

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The next morning, we headed off to find Craig at the music store. The boys were worried about me going, after not getting a full night sleep. I assured them that I was fine. 

A few minutes later, we pulled up to the shop. We headed inside. It was an interesting place, full of records and loud music.

"How can I help you guys?" A young man asked, as we looked around. 

"Are you Craig Thurston?" Sam asked. 

"I am," Craig answered.

"Well, we're reporters with the Dallas Morning News," Dean explained. "I'm Dean, this is Sam, and Cheyenne."

I gave him a smile. "Now way," He acted surprised. "I'm a writer too." He walked around, putting some records away. "I write for my school's lit magazine."

"Well, good for you, Morrison," Dean teased. I rolled my eyes.

"Listen, we're doing an article on local hauntings, and rumor has it you might know about one." I told him. He looked me up and down.

"Well, sweetheart, there's quite a few rumors about me," He stated. Dean stepped in front of me. 

"The hauntings?" Dean questioned, getting the boy back on track.

"You mean the hell house?" Craig questioned, stepping back away from Dean. 

"That's the one," Dean stated.

"I didn't think there was anything to the story," Craig explained. 

"Why don't you tell us the story?" Sam asked. 

Craig sighed. "Well, supposedly back in the 30s, this farmer, Mordechai Murdoch, used to live in the house with his six daughters," he told us. "During the depression, his crops were failing... he didn't have enough money to even feed his own children," he continued. "So I guess that's when he went off the deep end."

Dean was getting a bit distracted by looking at the records, I hit his shoulder to make him turn around. 

"How?" I asked Craig. 

"Well, he figured it was best if his girls died quick rather than starve to death... so he attacked them." Craig explained.

When Craig talked about a father hurting his daughter, it brought back unwanted memories. It made it worse with the nightmare I had last night. 

"I'm gonna go to the car," I told my brothers. "You guys finish up here." Before the two could question, I headed outside. 

The boys finished up a few minutes later and made their way to the car. I wasn't crying, just upset. The boys got in and looked back at me. 

"Cheyenne, maybe you should stay at the motel and get some rest," Sam suggested. "If this case is difficult, we understand."

Dean nodded in agreement. 

"No," I stayed. "If I'm alone, it'll make me think about everything and then I'll freak out and..." I hadn't realized I was talking faster.

"Okay, you can come with us," Dean stated. "We'd miss you too much anyways." He smiled at me. 

  He started the car and drove off to the address that Sam found. It led to a old house, that looked like it had been abandoned for years. It was the definition of "haunted house". We got our and walked up the the house. 

"Can't say I blame the kid," Sam commented, looking around the property. 

"Yeah, so much for curb appeal," Dean agreed. He pulled out his EMF reader. Sam and I walked around the house, looking for anything that stuck out. We turned to see Dean tapping the machine.

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