Nightmare Pt 1

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It had been a few days since we had a case, and we were finally able to catch our breaths. Currently, we were all asleep in a motel room. Sam in one bed and Dean and I in the other. I would sleep with Sam, but he was much to tall to be comfy. So I was curled up next to Dean, he had an arm wrapped around my shoulder. It made me feel safe to have my brother so close to me. This, however, only lasted a few hours, because we were awoken by Sam saying our names. 

"Cheyenne, Dean," he said with a bit of urgency. Dean moved to sit up, but I grabbed the pillow and put it over my head. 

"What are you doing, man?" Dean groaned and stretched his arms. "It's the middle of the night."

"We have to go," is all Sam responded with. Dean smacked my arm, but I still made no movement.

"What's happening?" I heard Dean question Sam. I heard rustling and peeked out from under my pillow. I saw Sam hurrying to throw his things in his back, and he almost looked scared. 

"We have to go, right now," Sam stated. He finished packing and grabbed the impala keys. He headed outside, leaving Dean and I confused. 

Dean stood up after a second, realizing that Sam was serious. He got his stuff packed, and even packed my things,  and turned to me. "Come on, sweetheart, get up," he grabbed my arms and yanked me so I was sitting. 

"But it's so early," I whined. However, I did throw my feet over the side of the bed and pulled my self to stand. Dean chuckled and grabbed our bags.

"I'm sure Sam will explain it too us," He said, opening the door for me. I made my way to the impala, climbing into the back seat. I laid across the seats, trying to get a little more sleep. 

Once we were on the road, Sam explained he had a nightmare of a man trapped in his car. Apparently, the car had locked itself. He seemed pretty freaked out about the whole thing. He was on the phone trying to get more information.

"McReedy, Detective McReedy." He told the operator. "Badge number 158... I've got a signal in progress." he explained. "I need the registered owner of a two door sedan, Michigan license plate... Mary-Frank-6037." There was a pause. "Yeah, okay... just hurry."

"Sammy relax," Dean spoke, while Sam waited for a response. "I'm sure it's just a nightmare."

"Yeah, tell me about," Sam looked straight ahead. I sat up in the back. There was no way I could get anymore sleep with the two talking. 

"I mean it, just a normal, everyday, naked in class nightmare," Dean explained. "This license pate, it won't check out."

"Dean, he already got us up, you might as well let him check," I told him. I wasn't too sure about all this either, but Sammy did have visions that came true. 

"It felt different, Dean... real," Sam stated. "Like when I dreamt about our old house and Jessica."

"That makes sense, you were dreaming about our house, your girlfriend," Dean argued. "This guy in your dream, you ever see him before?"

"No," Sam admitted. 

"Then why would you have premonitions about some dude in Michigan?" Dean questioned. I rolled my eyes.

 "Dean, just leave him be," I begged, hating the arguing. 

"I don't know," Sam told Dean. Both the brothers ignored me.

"Me neither," Dean responded. Before I could tell them again, Sam spoke into the phone.

"Yes, I'm here," he said. There was a pause, and Sam glanced at Dean. "Jim Miller... Saginaw, Michigan," he repeated jotting it down. Sam was right, once again. "Do you have a street address?" He wrote something else down. "Got it, thanks." He hung the phone up. "It checks out," Sam told  us. 

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