Provenance Pt 1

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After a few days of recovering from the hunt in Fitchburg, Sam and I started looking for a new case. 

 We were currently at another random bar. Sam and I sat at a table, looking through some newspapers and articles for anything supernatural. Dean was a few feet away, talking to some blond headed girl. I attempted to look away, not needing to watch my older brother flirt. Sam nudged me. 

"Take a look at this," he handed me a newspaper. I grabbed it. 

There was an article about a couple whose throats had been slashed in their home. I scanned over it quickly.

 "You think this could be something?" I questioned, glancing over at him. He nodded. "Get Dean over here." I grabbed Dad's journal, flipping through it. 

 Sam glanced over to Dean, waving him over. Dean held a hand up, wanting to wait a little bit. This time both of us waved him over. I saw him whisper something to the girl, before walking over to us with a couple beers. He offered me one, but I declined. 

Dean set the beers on the table and took a seat across from Sam. He gave us a "what the hell do you need" look.

"All right, so, we think we got something," Sam told him, still reading the paper. 

"Oh yeah, me too," Dean stated. I rolled my eyes, knowing he wasn't talking about a case. He glanced back over to the bar, where the girl was waiting. "I think we need to take a little shore leave for just a little bit," He told Sam. "What do you think, huh?" This man was always thinking with his downstairs brain. "I'm so in the door with this one here," He pointed over at the girl. 

"So, what are we today, Dean?" I questioned, smirking. "Are we rock stars... are we army rangers?"

 "We're L.A. tv scouts looking for people with special skills," Dean explained the lie he told the girl. He chuckled. "But, hey, it's not that far off, right?" He took a sip of his drink. "By the way, she's got a friend over there... I could probably hook you up," he told Sam. "What do you think?"

 "Dean, uh, no thanks," Sam replied. "I can get my own dates."

I looked over at Dean. "What about me, can you hook me up with a guy here?" I questioned, being sarcastic of course. 

Dean gave me a glare. "First of all, I don't want to think of my sister with a guy, so no," Dean stated, before looking back at Sam. "Second, you can, Sam, but you don't."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Sam questioned, finally looking up from the newspaper. 

Dean looked down. "Nothing, what do you got?"

Sam ignored Dean, reading the article. "Mark and Ann Telesca of New Paltz, New York, were both found dead in their home just a few days ago," he explained. Dean slowly looked away from us, towards the girls. "Throats were slit, there were no prints, no murder weapons, all..."

I leaned over and yanked on Dean's ear. "Dean." I stated, pulling him to face Sam. 

He pulled my hand away, rubbing his ear. "Ow!"

Sam sighed, but continued. "No prints, no murder weapons, all doors and windows were locked from the inside." He explained. 

 "Could just be a garden-variety murder," Dean suggested. "You know, not our department."

I shook my head. "No, dad say's different," I stated, pushing the journal so he could see it. 

"What do you mean?" He questioned. I pointed out a map.

"Look, dad noted three murders in the same area of upstate New York." I ran my finger over some writing. "First one, right here, 1912." I told them. "The second one in 1945, and the third in 1970."

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