Wendigo Pt 1

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      "How much longer Dean," I sighed, tired of being cramped in a tiny car for so many hours. Sam had managed to fall asleep.

      "Ah not long now," Dean told me, glancing at me in the rearview mirror. 

    Suddenly, Sam gasped and sat up quickly. Dean and I looked over at him, knowing he had a nightmare about Jessica. I was the first to speak up. "You okay?" I asked, placing a hand on his shoulder. 

   He took a quick glance back. "Yeah, I'm fine." He stated. Dean looked him over, not taking that as answer. 

    "Another nightmare?" Dean questioned. Sam nodded. Dean thought for a minute and spoke again. "You want to drive for a while?" He asked Sam.

    Sam and I both looked at him like his head was cut off. "In all your life, you have never once asked me to drive," Sam stated. 

    "Just thought you might want to, never mind," Dean took back his offer. 

     "You know I might want.." I started to say, but was quickly interrupted  by Dean.

     "Ya, no chance, sweetheart," He concluded, knowing what my question. I sighed, and sat back in my seat, while Sam smirked.

    "Look guys," Sam continued to talk to Dean, "I know you're worried about me and I get it, but I'm perfectly fine." 

      We still didn't believe him, but left in alone. Sam cleared his throat before asking where we were.

     "Dean won't tell me, he just says, "not long now," I said, mocking Dean. Dean glared at me and I stuck my tongue out. 

    "We are just outside of Grand Junction," Dean informed to us both. 

    Sam looked at the map before sighing. "Maybe we shouldn't have left Stanford so soon," He said quietly. I looked at him with worry. 

     "Sam, we dug around there for a whole week and came up with nothing," I explained. Dean looked back at me.  

    "Cheyenne's right, and if you want to find what killed Jessica.." Dean began to say.

    "We have to find dad first," Sam finished, looking over the map again. I glanced over his shoulder to look as well. 

     "Its no coincidence that dad is missing and that this thing is back after 20 years," Dean voiced, "Dad will have answers. He'll know what to do." 

      I grabbed the map from Sam. "You know what is also weird, these coordinates," I stated, looking over the map, "This... Blackwater Ridge."

       "What about it?" Dean asked, glancing back at me.

    "There's nothing there, just woods," I explained. "I mean, why is he sending us to the middle of nowhere?"

     The boys didn't answer as we continued down the road   

    We arrived at Blackwater and into a tourist type building, looking for clues to why we were here. Sam came over to me.

      "This Black Water Ridge is pretty remote, "He said, showing me a map, "its cut by these canyons here, and rough terrain, dense forest, abandoned mines all over." 

      "Guys, look at the size of this bear," Dean spoke up, clearly not listening to a word Sam was saying. I walked over to him.

    "There are also a dozen or more grizzlies in the area," I said, catching Deans attention. Sam walked up to us.

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