Route 666 Pt 2

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 We ended up leaving shortly after Cassie's mother got home. She wanted to check on her and make sure she was okay. We headed off the motel room, to catch a few hours of sleep. It was a good thing we did, because the next morning, we found out there had been another car crash. We left early to get to the scene, hoping to get more information. When we arrived and got out, we saw Cassie arguing with a man.

We heard the end of the argument as we walked up behind her. "Accidents happen Cassie," he told her. "That's what they are, accidents." 

"Did the cops check for denting on Jimmy's car?" Dean spoke up, catching both of their attention. The man looked at us, not knowing why we were there. "To see if it was pushed?" 

"Who's this?" he asked, looking back at Cassie.

Dean, Sam, and Cheyenne Winchester, family friends," She told him. "This is Mayor Harold Todd." 

"There's one set of tracks, one," Harold stated. "Doesn't point to foul play." I scanned my eyes across the wreck, taking note of the tracks and car. I looked over to see my brother doing the same thing. 

 "Mayor, the police and town officials take their cues from you... if you're indifferent about.." Cassie began to tell the man, getting upset. 

 "Indifferent?" Harold interrupted. 

 "Would you close the road if the victims were white," Cassie questioned the man. My eyes widened when I realized what she was accusing him off. 

"You're suggesting I'm racist, Cassie," Harold stated. "I'm the last person you should talk to like that."

 "Why is that?" She questioned. At this point, the boys and I were not going to say anything. 

"Why don't you ask your mother," Harold pointed out. He turned and walked away. 

We spent a few more minutes at the scene, before heading back to the hotel. It appeared that everyone agreed that it was a normal, average car accident. We knew better and we had work to do. At the motel, I finished up getting dressed in my official looking outfit. It actually wasn't bad, but this time, Sam suggested I wear heals to look older. I could hear the boys talking about Cassie in the room.

 "I'll say this for her... she's fearless," Sam commented. Dean didn't respond. "Bet she kicked your ass a couple of times."

I made my way out of the bathroom. "I don't know about that, but I will definitely kick your ass if I break my ankle," I threatened Sam, as I slowly made my way across the room. Sam and Dean looked over and smirked.

 "See, I told you you'd look great in them," Sam ignored my threat. "Plus, you're almost as tall as Dean and I." I walked over to him with a smirk. I adjusted his tie a bit, so it was more even. I ignored his comment and looked over at Dean.

"You know what is interesting about you and Cassie?" He didn't really look at me. "You guy's never really look at each other at the Sam time." I stepped back from Sam, letting him know he was good to go. "You look at her when she's not looking and she checks you out when you look away." I smirked at my older brother. Dean gave me a hard look. "It's just a... interesting observation," I assured him. "In a, you know, observationally interesting way."

 "You think we might have some more pressing issues here?" Dean questioned, finishing buttoning his suit. 

My smirk fell. "Hey, if I'm hitting a nerve..." I began to say. I loved teasing my brothers, but if made  him feel bad, I would stop. 

 "Let's go," Dean said, heading for the motel door. I looked over at Sam, who chuckled. I smiled back. 

 "Okay, maybe I should stop," I admitted as we followed Dean. Sam shrugged. 

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