Wendigo Pt 2

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     We headed off to the the man who had survived the "grizzly" attack. He let us in.

    "Look, rangers, I don't know why you're asking me about this, " The, now, old man questioned as we walked into his home. "My parents got mauled by a.." 

     "Grizzly, that's what attacked them?" I questioned. He nodded his head, looking back at us. 

"What about all the others that went missing that year, those grizzly attacks too," Dean inquired. "What about all the people that went missing this year, same thing?"

     "Look, if we knew what we were dealing with, we might be able to stop it," I explained. The man looked up at us.

    "I seriously doubt that, anyways, I don't see the difference it would make anyways." The man told us, sitting in a chair. "You wouldn't believe me." 

     "Mr. Shaw," Sam took a few steps closer, "What did you see?" 

     "Nothing, it moved too fast to see." Mr. Shaw told us. He explained how he heard the roar before it got inside his parents cabin.   

       "It didn't smash a window or break a door, it unlocked it," Mr. Shaw trembled. "Do you know of a bear who can do something like that?' 

     I unwilling shook, just the thought of a creature like that. Dean noticed and put his arm on my back, 

      Mr. Shaw continued to tell us of the attack. "I didn't even wake up until I heard my parents screaming, why it left me alive, well, I've been asking myself that ever since." He then showed his chest, which had three scars across it. "It did leave me this though, it was some sort of demon," He stated. 

     We thanked him for his time and headed off. "Spirits and demons don't have to unlock doors, they just go through the walls," I stated, walking ahead of the boys. I ran my hand through my hair.

     "Cheyenne, are you okay, you seemed a bit shook up back there," Dean questioned, grabbing my arm. I shook him off.

     "I'm fine, Sam, do you have any ideas?" I asked my brother, who also looked concerned. 

      "Well, it's probably something else, something corporeal," Sam suggested, looking over at Dean, most likely questioning if I was okay. Dean made a "we can talk about it later" face. 

     "Corporeal, excuse me professor?" Dean teased Sam. 

    "Shut up, so, what do you think?" Sam asked Dean, ignoring the comment. 

     "The claws, the speed it moves," Dean named off, "It could be a skin walker or maybe a black dog."

      "Whatever it  is, it's corporeal, "I copied Sams description, "which means we can kill it." I stated.  

     Dean walked out and to the back of the impala, checking behind us, before opening up the weapons. Sam and I followed.

      "We can't let that Hailey girl go out there,  Dean, not with this thing," I begged him. He looked up at me.

     "What do you want to tell her, she can't go into the woods because of a big scary monster," Dean questioned, packing a bag of weapons. I nodded, not seeing the problem.

     "Her brothers missing, Cheyenne, she's not just gonna sit this out," Dean looked up at me as he spoke. "We go with her, we protect her, and keep our eyes peeled for our fuzzy predator friend."

     "So what, "Sam spoke up, slamming the back of the impala shut, "Finding dad isn't enough, now we have to babysit too!" 

      Dean stared at him, not saying anything.

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