Something Wicked this Way Comes Pt. 2

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 Sam was able to get the information and address of the man and the two girls. We headed off in that direction. Once we were inside one of the girls bedrooms, we began to look for clues and signs of the supernatural. Sam and I had blue lights, scanning them over every surface. Dean walked around with the EMF.

 "Got anything over there?" Sam asked us. I stood from the bedside table. 

"No," I stated. "Dean?"

"No, nothing," He told us. 

"Yeah, me neither," Sam stated. We all continued to look around. We knew something weird was going on, and it wasn't just kids getting sick. 

"Hey, Dean, Cheyenne," Sam called over. He was at one of the windows, pushing it open and looking down. "You were right, it's not pneumonia."

Dean and I exchanged a glance, and walked over to him. That's when we saw it. 

In the base of the window pane, there was a mark. It almost looked like a handprint, but it was jagged and black. It looked almost burnt into the wood.

"What is that?" I asked. 

"It's rotted," Sam explained to us. Dean leaned down to get a closer look.

"What the hell leaves a handprint like that," I questioned. Dean continued to look down, like he was deep in thought. 

 "I know why dad sent us here," he stated out of nowhere. "He's faced this thing before... he wants us t o finish the job."

Sam and I looked at him, confused. We tried asking him what was going on, but he wouldn't tell us. He decided we should get a motel room, so we could start researching. On the way, Sam managed to get Dean to talk. He told us we were hunting a Shtriga. That was about all the information we got. He was acting weird and was clearly hiding something from us. 

We pulled up to the motel and got out.

"So what the hell is a shtriga?" Sam questioned. 

"It's kind of like a witch, I think," Dean explained. "I don't know much about them." He spoke fast. 

"Well, I've never heard of it," I stated. If dad hunted this thing before, why didn't he talk about it. "And it's not in dad's journal." 

"Dad hunted one in Fort Douglas, Wisconsin, about 16, 17 years ago," Dean explained. He headed to the back of the car, opening the trunk. "You two were there... you don't remember?"

I shook my head. It didn't ring any bells. 

"No," Sam stated. We were pretty young back then. 

"I guess he caught wind that the thing's here in Fitchburg now and kicked us the coordinates," Dean suggested. 

"So wait, this..." Sam forgot the name.

"Shtriga," I stated.

 "Right, you think it's the same one dad hunted before?" Sam asked.

"Yeah, maybe" Dean told us. He grabbed some bags and headed towards the motel lobby. I grabbed my bag and followed, as did Sam.

"But, if dad went after it, why is it still breathing air?" I asked, catching up to Dean. Dad usually never left a case unfinished. He would go weeks to make sure the thing was dead. 

"Because it got away," Dean explained. 

"Got away?" Sam questioned. This wasn't making much sense. 

"Yeah, Sammy, it happens," Dean stated. He was clearly hiding something else. 

"Not very often," Sam stated. I hated to agree, but he was right. I couldn't think of a time something just "got away".

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