Dead Mans Blood Pt 4

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After both boys made sure my lip was okay, we headed off to the vampires nest. I was a little nervous, since this was going to be the first time I would see a vampire. Dean pulled out a machete. We knew that most of the nest would be going after dad and the girl, so we should only have one to deal with. 

Sam and I went to the front of the barn, to make some noise. Just enough to distract who ever was inside, giving Dean time to sneak in the back. After a few minutes, we heard the sound of a blade going through skin.

"Alright, we're clear," Dean shouted from inside. Sam and I headed in as well. The goal was to get all of the humans out of here before the vampires came back. 

There was quite a few, but we managed to get them all back into town and dropped off at a hospital. We didn't stay around to be questioned, and quickly sped off. 

"Now what?" I asked, knowing that we were supposed to leave town. I also knew that neither of the boys would let dad go alone. 

Dean glanced back at me in the mirror. "We're just gonna make sure that dad is doing okay," he explained, as if he could read my mind. 

I nodded and Sam stayed silent. He was still upset that dad didn't want any of us included in this fight. I understood where he was coming from, family is supposed to stick together. 

"Alright," Dean stated, ending the silence. He pulled the car over. "I think their right over there."

He went to the trunk, grabbing a few more dead man's blood soaked arrows. We then made our way through the trees, silently. Finally, we could see the group. An fight broke out and we saw dad fall to the ground. Dean decided that was enough and shot an arrow through the air, landing it in the chest of a vampire. They were confused, even more so when we ran out from hiding. 

Dean shot another vampire, while Sam and I tried to reach dad. I was knocked back by the leader of the group, and quickly pulled into his grasp. He tightened his arm around my neck and turned to face the boys. I whimpered and tried to get away, but I was no match for the vampires strength. I watched both my brother's eyes fill with worry and anger. Dean held up the matchete.

"Don't!" The vampire warned. "I'll break her neck." He squeezed tighter and I felt it get harder to breath. "Put the blade down."

I couldn't help but cry out in pain. I watched as Dean slowly set the blade on the ground, but the grip on my neck didn't loosen. 

"You people," The vampire spoke. "Why can't you just leave us alone?" He questioned, looking over at the boys. "We have as much right to live as you do."

"I don't think so," I heard from behind me. The vampire turned to see, and we came face to face with dad, holding out the colt. He fired it and it hit the vampire straight in the middle of the forehead. I felt my cheek wet, from the blood splatter. Finally, the grip was released and I fell backward, taking in deep breaths. I was caught by Dean, who held me up.

We watched as the vampire fell to his knees, slowly. There was a flash before he fell down, finally dying. It was... confusing. We weren't sure what happened. The other vampires quickly got in their car and drove away. We were left staring at our dad.

After a minute, we all headed back to the motel, to pack and get ready to leave. Well, Sam was packing a bag, Dean was looking over my neck... again. 

He sat me on one of the beds, and carefully ran his finger down my neck. There was slight bruising.

"Dean, I told you it's fine," I stated, attempting to push his hands away. He gave me a look.

"Cheyenne, you've been held by the throat twice, I wanna make sure that nothing is seriously wrong," He explained. I rolled my eyes, but let him finish his examination. After a few more looks, he sat back from me. "Just some bruising, it looks like."

"Yeah, I told you that," I smirked. He put a hand on my cheek and I flinched as his thumb ran over my lip. Not from pain, but just memory.

"Dean, I'm fine, please believe that," I said, grabbing his hand from my cheek and holding in mine. He looked down. 

"I know... you always are," He stated, looking back up at me. I pulled him closer, into a hug, which he gladly returned. 

This moment was broken, by the motel door opening up. We turned to see dad at the door.

"So, boys... and Cheyenne..." He started, walking up to us. Dean made sure that I was furthest from the man.

"Yes, sir?" Dean asked.

"You ignored a direct order back there," Dad stated. He was clearly not happy.

"Yes, sir, but we saved your ass," Dean argued. There was silence for a moment. I was waiting for dad to yell at us, but it never came. 

"You're right," dad agreed. My mouth almost dropped in shock. 

"I am?" Dean questioned, also confused. 

"It scares the hell out of me," dad admitted. "You two are all I've got." I rolled my eyes. There was the "two" word again. Meaning not me. I felt Dean grip on me tighten. "But I guess we are stronger as a family." He looked at the boys. "So... we go after this damn thing...together."

"Yes, sir," The boys replied. I looked over and saw Sam smiling. He was happy and so was Dean. I would have to put my emotions aside and work with dad. 

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