Provenance Pt 2

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  Sam ended up taking Sarah for dinner. Which left Dean and I with nothing to for hours. He sat on the bed, flipping through the tv channels, while I sat opposite him, with a laptop. Dean decided that there was nothing worth watching and turned it off, standing up. He made his way over to me. 

 "What you doing?" He asked, sitting beside me, glancing down at my laptop. 

 "Just keeping busy until Sam gets back," I stated, knowing he didn't really care. "Why?"

"I just wanted to touch bases with you," He explained, meeting my eyes. "See how you're doing."

I sighed and closed the laptop. "I'm fine, dean." I loved that he was worried, but hated these talks we had.

"No, you're not," Dean stated. "You've had more nightmares in the past week and you're not getting enough sleep..."

 I looked down at my hands. Was it that easy to notice? Dean reached down and grab my hand.

"I don't want you to keep things from me, or Sammy," He told me. "Okay, trying to keep quiet after a nightmare or... claiming you're fine."

"I just don't want you guys to worry about me," I explained. 

"Hey, we're your brother," Dean told me. "It's our job to worry about you... just like how you worry about us."

I nodded, but stayed silent. 

"So, next time you wake up from a nightmare, or feel scared or unsure... you let one of us know, okay."

I nodded. "Okay, I promise," I assured him. He leaned forward and pressed a kiss on my forehead, letting it linger a little longer. "I love you," I stated, as he leaned away. 

"Love you too,"

After what seemed like forever, Sam finally returned to the room. He had a stack of papers in his hand. The date must have gone well, if he got what he needed from her. After he changed, he sat and went through them, looking for anything that was weird or supernatural. 

"So, she just handed the providences over to you?" Dean questioned. He sat, sharpening a knife. I laid on the bed, waiting for Sam to find something.

"Provenances," I corrected, beating Sam to it. 

Sam gave me a smile. "Yes, we went back to her place," He explained. "I got a copy of the papers." I could feel Dean's mind working.

"And..." Dean asked. 

"And nothing," Sam stated. "That's it... I left."

"You didn't have to con her or do any special favors?" Dean questioned. I shot him a glare.

"Would you please get your mind out of the gutter," I told him. Of course, Dean ignored my plea.

"You know, when this whole thing's done, we could stick around for a bit," He offered. 

"Why?" Sam asked, even though he knew the answer.

"So you could take her out again," Dean stated. "It's obvious you're into her... even I can see that."

"Me too," I added in. 

"Hey, all right, I think I got something here," Sam stated, ignoring Dean's comments. 

We stood and walked over to Sam, looking over his shoulder. He held up some papers, and I grabbed them before Dean could. He sent me a look, but I proceeded to read.

"Portrait of Isaiah Merchant's family, painted 1910," I read off the first page. 

"Now compare the names of the owner's with Dad's journal," Sam stated. 

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