Shadow Pt 3

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We made our way to the warehouse that Sam told us about. Wait he didn't say is that we had to climb an elevator shaft to get to the right floor. After silently complaining, we made it up to Meg's floor. Meg was already there, chanting strange words. I stared in confusion, until Sam tapped me. He climbed up and stood, trying to help me up as well. Dean followed shortly after. We snuck around the back, to avoid Meg spotting us. We hid behind some boxes and Dean handed Sam a gun. Before we could do anything else, Meg stopped her strange words.

"Guys," she spoke, with her back to us. "Hiding is a little but childish, don't you think?"

The three of us exchanged looks of shock and confusion. 

"That didn't work out like I'd planned," Dean stated. 

"Really?" I stated, sarcastically. "You don't say."

Meg turned now, looking in our direction. "Why don't you come out?"

We slowly stood, Dean making sure I was behind him. I did have a gun, but at this point, I was a bit nervous to actually use it. Meg made her way towards us, and the boys took small steps forward. 

"Sam, I have to say, this puts a real crimp in our relationship," Meg told him. 

"Yeah, tell me about it," Sam agreed. 

"So, where's your little Daeva friend?" Dean questioned, trying to break attention away from Sam.

"Around," Meg answered. "And that shotgun's not gonna do much good."

"Ah, don't worry sweetheart," Dean stated. "The shotgun's not for the demon."

I decided to stay silent, and behind Dean. Having Meg's attention didn't seem like a good thing.

"So, who is it, Meg?" Sam questioned. "Who's coming?" She was silent. "Who are you waiting for?"

She smirked. "You." I grabbed Dean's arm, scared now. Before I could say anything, we were all knocked down. It was some kind of invisible force. I was thrown a few feet away from the boys. I groaned in pain as I hit the ground. This is the last thing I remember happening before I was knocked out. 

"Sweetheart," I heard a voice call out. I was awake, but couldn't open my eyes quite yet. "Come on, Cheyenne, wake up."

"Maybe she's dead," Another voice teased.

"Shut up!" Another voice shouted. I finally realized the people talking were my brothers and Meg.  

I opened my eyes, mostly to prove that person, who I figured was Meg, wrong. "Thank god," Dean sighed out. "Are you okay?"

My whole body hurt, and I tried to pinpoint where I was actually injured. I could feel wetness running down my cheek, and knew that I was bleeding on my head. Before I could figure out anything else, I heard groaning from my right. I looked over and saw Sam, who was in worse shape than Dean and I. 

"My head hurts," I groaned. I could hear both boys struggle against the ropes. I looked over at Meg, in front of us.

"Sam, don't take this the wrong way," I stated, ignoring the pain for now. "But your girlfriend... is a bitch." Sam looked at Meg.

"This, the whole thing, was a trap," Sam stated. "Running into you at the bar, following you here, hearing what you had to say... it was all a setup, wasn't it?"

"Sammy, is this helping anything?" I questioned. I really just wanted this to be over. 

"And the victims were all from Lawrence," he continued.

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