Nightmare Pt 3

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A minute or so later, I saw the boys headed back to the car. I noticed that Dean was holding onto Sam. It appeared that he was having another vision. I wanted to get out and help, but my mind was all over the place. I tucked my head into my knees, trying to ignore the sounds of my brothers. A few minutes went by and the car door opened. Dean helped Sam in, and then climbed in his own seat. I sat and wiped my tears.

"Cheyenne are you,..." Dean started to ask if I was okay.

"I'm fine Dean," I assured him. The look on his face told me he didn't believe me. "Sam, what did you see?" I changed the subject.

"Max is doing it," he stated. "Everything I've been seeing."

"You sure about this?" Dean questioned, turning his gaze from me to Sam. I felt bad. Dean was already worried about Sam, even though he won't admit it, and now I was a mess as well. 

"Yeah,  saw him," Sam told us. He rubbed his head again.

"How is he doing it?" I questioned. 

"I don't know," Sam admitted. "It looked like telekinesis."

"So he's psychic?" Dean asked. "He's a spoon bender?"

"I didn't even realize it, but this whole time, he was there," Sam explained to us. "He was outside of the garage when his dad died... he was in the apartment when his uncle died," Sam listed off. "These visions... I wasn't connected to the Millers... I was connected to Max." I looked at Dean in the mirror, with a worried look. "The thing I don't get is why." Sam questioned. "I guess because we're so alike?" 

Dean looked over at him. "What are you talking about?" he asked. "Dude's nothing like you."

"We both have psychic abilities," Sam argued. "We're both..."

"Both what?" I asked Sam. "Sam, Max is a monster." I stated, looking over at him. 

"He's already killed two people," Dean added. "Now he's gunning for a third."

"With what he went through..." he looked back at me, as if he was worried. "The beatings... to want revenge on those people... I'm sorry," he looked back to Dean. "I hate to say it, but it's not that insane." I moved over and leaned on the door, not wanting to hear this conversation. 

"Yeah, but it doesn't justify murdering your entire family," Dean argued. "He's no different than anything else we've hunted." He continued, looking out at the road. "All right.. we have to end him."

"We're not gonna kill Max," Sam stated. Dean stopped the car in front of the Millers house.

"Than what?" Dean questioned. "Hand him over to the cops and say, "Lock him up, officer, he kills with the power of his mind"."

"Forget it, no way," Sam stated, calmly. 

Before Dean could argue, I sat up. "He's a person, Dean," I agreed with Sam. "I hate to say it Dean, but I think Sam is right."

"We can talk to him," Sam added. "Hey, promise me you'll follow my lead on this one." Dean looked at Sam and then back at me. I gave him my best "please face".

"Okay, fine," Dean agreed. "But I'm not letting him hurt anybody else." He reached over to the glove box and opened it, pulling out a hand gun. Sam gave him a look, but decided not to argue. We made our way up to the front door. 

We could hear Max and his mom talking, and it sounded like Max was angry. Dean used his shoulder to push the door in. We fell inside, shocking both Max and his mom.

"Fathers?" his mother questioned. Max looked over now. His eyes were red, as if he'd been crying.

"What are you doing here?" he questioned us. We clearly had interrupted him. He put his hand on the counter, attempting to block a very large knife.

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