Running For His Life

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In the wilderness of the Greater World


A young-looking man can be seen running through a forest at high speeds, such that normal people would only see an afterimage.

The young man had an average appearance, and in a world where handsome men and beautiful women were everywhere, his face could even be called unattractive.


A whooshing sound came from behind. The young man quickly changed directions and jumped to the left, barely avoiding an energy fist that went past his head and smashed into a tree. 


The tree instantly turned to dust, and the resulting shockwave slightly destabilized the young man's footing, but he quickly leaned forward and continued running. Not a moment later, a bullet filled with mental energy, enough to level a building, went behind the young man's head, breaking a few of his hair strands. 

'Dammit.' The young man cursed in his mind, but continued running. 

A swordlight destroyed the environment in front of him, forcing him to slide to a stop. Before the young man could even completely stop and stabilize his footing, an explosion from something landing behind him, and rising a cloud of smoke, sent him flying.

Without giving him time to catch his bearings, a fist, aimed at his head, came from the smoke cloud, intending to crush his skull. The young man dodged the fist at an impossible angle, surprising the buff old man who just tried to kill him.

As the young man tried to regain his balance in mid-air, another swordlight attacked him. Again, the young man avoided the swordlight at an impossible angle, and just as he landed, another energy fist came flying at him. 

Unable to dodge after just landing, and unable to defend with his preoccupied hands, the young man could only send a kick at the energy fist, which sent him flying through the air once again. As the young man landed, he ignored the pain in his leg and continued running.

'How did this happen?' Despairing thoughts started overwhelming the young man's mind, but he pushed them to the back of his mind. However, those thoughts, along with guilt and regret, came back as he glanced at the heavily injured woman in his arms. 

"Guild Leader *cough*, just leave me behind. Save yourself." The red haired woman with an alluring figure in his arms tried to convince the young man, as she coughed up blood.

"Don't say anything, just save your strength. I'll get us out of this." Said the young man to the woman, who was bleeding profusely, trying to sound calm. However, his shaky voice, heavy breathing, and pained expression didn't convince the woman. 

Another swordlight came at the young man from behind. He tried to dodge it, for the god knows what time today, however, with his previous injuries and now injured leg, his dodge wasn't as flawless as before; and his shoulder ended up getting cut. 

As if that wasn't bad enough, the swordlight had corrosive energy which he had to push out of his system, which wasted his own energy and concentration, which was being continuously attacked by mental attacks. 

"How can you geezers be this shameless!" The young man shouted at his attackers in rage as he continued running. 

But the only response he received was an energy fist. 

"Brat, you can only blame yourself." The buff old man answered with a laugh, however, he was also feeling extremely bitter and frustrated that they were ganging up on a kid. 

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