Chapter #3

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(A/N Sorry if there are typos, I literally wrote this at 5am and I still haven't slept, whoops).


My parents left after many hugs, tears, and reminders to call them whenever I needed to.

Yeah, my parents were very good at being a friend but not so much at being parents, which had its pros and cons.


Phil showed me to the two bedrooms and asked which one I wanted before he picked and started moving in, which was polite.

The rooms looked totally identical so it really didn't matter. Both rooms had a window, showing the backyardish part of campus, which had a fancy water fountain and lots of perfectly green mowed grass covering the ground.

I sank into the naked bed and worries clouded my brain and I shook my head to make them go away. I wish it was this easy durning the night.

I stood up and started unpacking my belongings. I put my clothes in the drawer and unpacked my duvet and started making my bed when I heard a familiar tune in the distance.

Lifted Up (1985) by Passion Pit.

I made an inhuman noise and ran to the sound of the music to find Phil singing along, putting dishes away.

He hadn't notice I walked in so I screamed the lyrics to let him know I was in the room and that I was IN LOVE with Passion Pit.

"1985 WAS A GOOD YEAR, THE SKY BROKE APART AND YOU APPEARED, DROPPED FROM THE HEAVENS, THEY CALL ME A DREAMER!" By then he jumped and nearly dropped a glass plate. He joined in and ran to my side, singing and jumping to the music. "I WONT LIE, I KNEW YOU WOULD BELONG HERE! LIFTED OFF THE GROUND, I TOOK YOUR HANDS AND PULLED YOU DOWN!" We both laughed and screamed at the top of our lungs, "BECAUSE 1985 WAS A GOOD YEAR! I WONT LIE, I KNEW YOU WOULD BELONG HERE!!"

By then our hands were linked and we fell to the ground, uncontrollable laughter taking over our bodies.

"I can't believe you like Passion Pit, Dan!" He said after our laughing fit subsided.

"Phil, I don't just 'like' Passion Pit, I LOVE Passion Pit." I giggled, sitting up on the floor crossing my legs, Phil doing the same.

"Oh my gosh.. What other music do you like?" Phil asked. "I don't know, I really like anything if it's good, but my favorites are probably, Passion Pit, Muse, Panic! At The Disco, Falling In Reverse, Mumm-Ra, Fall Out Boy and Kanye West." I started laughing slightly when I mentioned Kanye, because most people criticize it. "And yeah, I love lots more and I bet I'm forgetting most." I sighed happily.

"You have amazing music taste, holy crap!" Phil got up and started walking away. "Hey where you going?" I said in a worried tone.

"I'm going to get my phone so we can listen to music." And with that he ran to his room and hurried back, sitting back in his spot on the floor in front of me.


For hours we just shared music and sang, screaming when one of us played a band we didn't know each other liked.

We shared lots of laughs and smiles.

Phil was awesome and I was excited to have such a great dorm mate.

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