Paranoid Sequel: Chapter Nine

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Phil was still alone, but he was gaining some happiness once and a while. Little things like music, or his favorite foods would cheer him up. He was listening to Zoom by Last Dinosaurs around 5 AM in his bedroom when he heard footsteps, then what sounded like the door to get into the house was opening.

His heart was racing, he turned his music off quickly and got his jack knife from his nightstand drawer and hid in the closet. He was panicking. His mind was racing.

'Somebody's in the house'

'I'm going to get murdered!'

Phil heard slow footsteps making their way close to him.

'Holy shit, hOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT'

The closet doors were opened up, Phil screamed, causing the 'intruder' to scream as well. Phil ran out of the closet, knife in the air ready to stab a bitch when the person grabbed his arm and stopped him from almost killing him. Everything went so fast.

When his arm was grabbed he looked up to see Dan, standing right in front of him.

His jaw dropped, as well as the knife. Dan let go of Phil's arm and they hugged, they fucking hugged and it felt so great. Phil felt as if he were floating. Dan felt like he was on cloud nine.

They started to cry, mumbling how much they missed each other.

When their dramatic movie moment was over they pulled away from each other, just holding hands now. They stared at each other. This is the longest they've been apart in a year.

"I'm so sorry, Phil", Dan said, "I will never use you like I did before, it was so fucking idiotic of me."

"Thank you Dan." Phil nodded, wiping a tear away then grabbing Dan's hand again.

"I took advantage of your kindness, your happiness, everything under the fucking sun, and I can't ever give it back but I can only try", Dan stated, "That's why I went to rehab."

Phil's eyes lit up.

"You did?!" Phil smiled. It was nice to see Phil smile, it's been so long.

"Yeah, I did it because without you, I probably would have died and to just use you like that and not even be happy after, would be the most selfish thing and I don't want to live with that guilt. I put you through so much, so fucking much. I just was so blinded by my sadness I didn't even give a fuck about anything else."

Phil was sobbing now, he was so mixed with feelings and emotions. Everything was so hard to comprehend.

"If you don't forgive me, I totally understand. I will even find a new place to live if that is what will make you happy, Phil." Dan explained.

All of this, what Phil was hearing, was all he ever wanted to hear Dan say. He has wanted Dan to acknowledge that Phil was sad too, broken too, stressed and exhausted as well. Now he finally has and he couldn't be happier.

"Dan, I don't even know what to say." Phil shakes his head and runs his hands through his hair.

"I will sleep on the couch if you want, you have every right to be angry at me. I understand." Dan said, seriousness in his eyes. 

"Okay.. But I have a question." Phil states.

"What is it?"

"Why are you coming home now at..." Phil takes a look at the time, "6 AM?"

"I left rehab. They didn't really want me to leave now but I was sick of it there." Dan smiled, "I'm going to sleep now, we should talk more tomorrow, or as of 6 AM, later."

"Okay, yeah. Goodnight."

"Night." Dan says, grabbing his bag he brought with him to rehab and walks into the living room, falling asleep on the couch.

As for Phil, he lied in bed thinking about what just happened. His life is a literal Lifetime movie.

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