Paranoid Sequel: Chapter Two

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I started writing this chapter around 8 PM, it's now 12 AM. The things I do to make these good are insane. 

Phil sat up quickly in bed, sweating and panting. He didn't know why, it freaked him out a little bit but he shook it off, looking next to see an empty space where Dan should be.  He was curious so he stood up out of bed, stretching then walking out to search for Dan.

He walked down the hallway and spotted Dan hurrying to hide something behind the couch, he looked to Phil and smiled suspiciously.

"Hi Phil!" Dan said, unusually cheery.

"Hey...", Phil said, feeling an uneasy vibe raise in the room. "What was that?" Phil asked while gesturing to whatever Dan just hid.

"What do you mean?" Dan laughed. His voice was slow, he was stumbling on his words.

"Are you okay, you're talking kinda weird." Phil said while walking over to sit by Dan.

Dan shuffled awkwardly, once and a while glancing back. "I'm fine. You can go back sleep, i-it's early." Dan stuttered the last part.

"I'm not tired anymore... and why are you acting so strange?" Phil asked, placing a hand on Dan's forehead searching for any sort of temperature, but nothing was wrong with Dan except he was a bit clammy and you know, being weird as shit.

"I'm okay!" Dan shouted, his eyes closed tight and arms to his side. This made Phil jump.

Dan hasn't yelled at Phil for a while and to hear it without warning was getting him slightly worked up. Phil wasn't in the mood for Dan's strange behavior today so he stood up and walked into their shared bedroom. He sat on the edge of the bed and fell onto his back so that he was lying down. He covered his eyes to emphasize his distress.

The sun shined through his window, Phil uncovered his eyes to watch the sun rays dim and then get brighter, slowly watching as it changed the lighting of the room each time.

Phil heard shuffling coming from the living room but didn't bother to investigate. It was probably Dan being stupid or something.

"I'm taking a bath!" Phil heard Dan shout to him, he made a 'hm' sound in return.

It'd been about five minutes since Dan told Phil he was taking a bath, Phil got the idea to go and look for what Dan had been possibly hiding. Dan usually takes long baths so he wouldn't be out anytime soon.

Phil got out of bed quietly and made his way to the living room, pulled out the couch to find nothing. Phil shook his head in disbelief then placed the couch back.

'I swear he slipped something back here...'  Phil thought to himself. He shrugged his shoulders and tried to forget this even happened when he started to walk away but something caught his eye, he looked back and saw a small, orange bottle lying under the couch.

Phil's crystal eyes widened, he shook his head not wanting to believe what his mind went straight to.

'Dan's abusing his prescriptions.'

'Dan's abusing his prescriptions.'

'Dan's abusing his prescriptions.'

Phil ran over and picked up the empty bottle of Dan's anxiety medicine that his doctor prescribed. It's only suppose to be used when he really needs it, he got it two days ago. Why would it already be gone?

Phil's heart started to beat quickly, he shook his head for the billionth time today. He bit his lip nervously and ran into the bedroom, sat on the bed with the empty bottle in hand and waited for Dan to get out of the bathtub.

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