Chapter #29

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I somehow managed to run back into the back room of the station and I found a phone and called Phil.

The coyotes banged on the door and I hide in the closest with the phone still in my hand when I hit something with my foot and I screamed bloody murder.

"WHAT THE SHHHHH-" I covered my mouth.

Two words.

Dead. Body.

I sobbed and tried to contain my screams as I tried to stay quiet so the wild animals wouldn't find me.

But then the closest door broke down.


The phone had gotten knocked out of my hand when a coyote came running to me and attacking me and I had to do some bad things to get him off me.

Which I'll never forgive myself for.

I bolted out of the door before any of the coyotes could catch me and ran outside and into the woods.

I ran and ran, not knowing where I am headed. I had no time to stop and cry or panic and just focused on getting away from that hell hole.

I don't think I've EVER ran that fast and I don't think I've ever been so terrified in my whole 19 years.

I ran and ran until I reached a road. It was deserted and I screamed for help when I heard a car in the distance and saw some headlights.

Once it got closer I flagged it down and Phil jumped out. My eyes widened and I leaped into his arms. "Oh my god Dan that the crap I was so worried, what happened oh my god oh my god you have cuts all over you!!"

I've never seen Phil so panicked.

"It's a really long story." I sobbed into the crook of his neck. "C'mon, let's get in the car." Phil said with me still in his arms. "You're limping." He stated. "I'll explain later." I said.

"This is my mum, Katherine." Phil introduced as we got settled in the back seat. "Hi." I said and cuddled closer to Phil.

"Now what happened to you?" He asked, pulling me in closer. "Okay I was driving and I stopped at a bridge and sat there for a while then I got back into my car and tried to go home but I must've taken a wrong turn because I ended up in the middle of nowhere and found myself at a gas station" I started to hyperventilate. "Shhh.. Shhhh, Dan it's okay." He comforted me. "Take your time." He said.

After I caught my breath I continued.

"I found myself at a deserted gas station and had no money and I had hardly any gas and I went into the gas station and asked if I could borrow some pennies for a pay phone from this one man who I assumed was the worker, and he asked if I had a car and gas and I said yes and he stole my car and left me alone!" I cried.

"Oh my gosh, what happened when you called me?" He asked, rubbing my shoulder. "Well... I was outside, and well you're not gonna believe me but a pack of coyotes came out of the woods and chased me and I got back into the station and they broke through the glass and I hide in a closet and found a phone but then..." I choked, "there was a dead body when I was trying to talk to you then a coyote broke into the closet and attacked me."

"Holy crap oh my god, a dead body!??" Phil jumped. "Yeah." I sobbed. "Okay, wow... Mum, let's go to the police station." He said as I cuddled closer.

Phil held me close, stroking my back and I fell asleep.


It has been three days since that whole crazy situation and I explained everything that happened and I keep getting questions from every person.

Almost every person on college campus has heard about what happened and it's stressful.

Someone started a rumor that I'm the one who killed the person I found in the closet, and some people are saying none of this even happened and I'm looking for attention.

Why do people think I make these things up? Now because of what has happened, I am having worse nightmares and I think they are thinking about putting me into a mental hospital.

I wish people would keep their noses in there own business. I'm still a bit scarred up from the stupid animals attacking me and I got so many shots and and check ups.

I'm honestly so surprised I still have blood from all these unneeded blood tests.

Police men have been taking to me left and right and I can't seem to get a break.

Phil has helped me a lot and I really appreciate him, but I still can't seem to get over what Chris had said... Sometimes I just want to leave Phil but...I just can't.

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