Paranoid Sequel: Chapter Four

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there's a deeper meaning than you think. look through the sad.

Phil eventually fell asleep that day, and slept all night, and honestly, it was the best sleep he'd had in years. When he woke, he felt refreshed. He felt like a new man, he felt... human again?

He realized that before, he felt like a zombie, he felt as if he was a fucking stay at home mom with six newborn children to take care of... but in reality it was just a broken, beat up boy that was his main priority; to try and fix.

Phil had a sudden reality check when he woke up.

As much as he didn't want to feel this way, he was relieved that Dan cheated on him. I mean, yeah he was hurt at first but maybe it was bound to happen.

Phil used to be a big disbeliever in the saying 'everything happens for a reason', but now he gets it. He's was so worn out and broken down, he felt inhuman because all he did was be a fucking robot for Dan. Phil has tried for so, incredibly long to fix Dan but, maybe Phil just isn't the one to fix Dan.

Phil has to work on himself before he cares for another.


A day passed, Dan and Phil hadn't seen each other since the incident happened.

Phil stayed in their room the whole day, and Dan went to the blue and black haired girl's shitty trailer uptown.

Dan was feeling so guilty, he felt like the worst. He vowed to Phil that he would never cheat on Phil again, but he's done it and Phil witnessed it. There's no point in lying, he can't erase Phil's memory but I mean, he can try to do something, right?

That's when Dan decided to go back home, to try and reason with Phil... aka fall to his knees and beg for forgiveness.

Dan has the black and blue haired girl, whose named Andria, bring him over to his house. She waits outside in her worn out red truck, just incase things don't go as planned.

Dan walks in, a weird, empty feeling sank deep into his gut. He searches the house and doesn't find Phil. He's worried now, frantically running around the house but to no avail; doesn't find Phil.

He searches the bedroom and falls onto the perfectly made bed. He covers his eyes and starts to cry.

Will Phil ever come back?

Where did he go?

His mind was racing.

Dan gets up, his tears filling his dully-colored-eyes. He opens the closet where Phil keeps his suitcase and clothes. The suitcase is gone and the drawers that hold Phil's clothes are empty.

Dan doesn't want to believe it. He can't believe it.

He turns around after a slam of the closet doors and starts to pace back and forth around the room. He walks to the side of the bed and steps on a note, it crunches under his foot. He picks it up and starts to read...

"Dan, when you read this I'll be gone, I'm staying with an old friend.

I don't want you to worry about me, this is best. I wanted to tell you this in person but then I thought about it and I didn't want to fall into those deep holes that are your eyes. Your eyes are like a reflection of your heart, it's big, so incredibly big, but also broken, so so so broken.

I've tried for so long Dan, I've tried so much to fix you but something hit me and I just don't think me and you, us, go together."

Dan stop's reading, the letter goes on but he can't continue. He doesn't believe what he's reading.

He rubs his eyes and tries to continue...

"I don't want you to think I don't love you because, holy shit do I love the fuck out of you, Daniel.

I love every single, little thing about you... but it's not the same. Its not the same and I don't feel that spark anymore between us. I really hope you understand. I know this is the worst way to tell you all this, a fucking note but, it's the only way I feel I can... sorta move on."

Dan shakes his head, he hopes this isn't true but deep down, he knows this is real. He understands too, he gets it, but it still doesn't change the fact that he's going to be heartbroken about this for so, so long.

He starts to read more, the letter almost being over.

"That sounds so mean and I don't want to hurt you, but I need time to myself and I need to focus on me at the moment. I really hope you find the help you need and, I trust that you will. In these cases, it's okay to be selfish."

Dan wipes tears from his eyes, he's a sobbing mess.

"We can both fix ourselves, Daniel.

We are strong, we are capable of control and we can be our own super heroes.

This isn't the end, but a new beginning."


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