Chapter #55

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I woke up with an unexplainable pain in my head. Once I realized what happened, my eyes widened and I heard a muffled sob.

I tried to move but something was holding me down. I moved my head up slowly and looked down to see that a log had broke through my side of the car and was literally holding my lap down.

"D-dan?" I managed to speak, but it hurt like crazy. I heard another sob.

"Dan?" I whispered again. I heard a groan and moving sounds. "Phhh..."

"Dan, Dan are you okay?" I cried. He coughed. "Help.."

That wasn't Dan.

I tried to remember what happened but my memory was blurry.

Then it hit me.


"Pj, are you alright?" I sobbed. "I don-I don- k-k-kn-o-ow!" He sobbed. "I'v-ve lost a-a lot-t of blo-od!" He sobbed harder. I could just tell he was struggling to speak. "I'm being held down by a log, just a second. I am going try to get out and help." I said.

I put my hands beside me and tried to lift myself out. I failed. I tried again but my legs were stuck under. "I can't get out!" I shouted and started to feel a panic attack coming on. I banged on the log and screamed.


I was sobbing harder than I ever thought possible and I couldn't hardly breathe.

I have never been so panicked in my whole life.

I cried, I screamed.

Nobody came. I was gonna have to suck it up and calm down.

I had to help Dan and Pj.

Speaking of Dan...

"Pj, where is Dan?" No answer.


"PJ!" I screamed.

No answer.

"No, no, no..." I mumbled under my breath.


"OH-H MY GOD!" My voice was getting hoarse from crying so much.

I screamed their names but I got no replies.

I tried to catch my breathe, but I just couldn't.

I saw some headlights in the distance and my eyes grew huge.

I waved my arms as they got closer.

They slowed down, noticing and I saw that they stopped.

Then I noticed, It was Chris.

"NO! NO!" I screamed.

I slammed my hands down on the steering wheel in anger.

He is going to kill me.

He looked scared and upset.

He walked up to my window and looked in.


"Chris, Chris please look in the back to see if Dan is alive. Just please." I begged. he nodded and walked back to peek into the backseat. "I can't tell." He shook his head.

I shook my head as tears fell. "Please help me out." I said. "Okay." He replied and looked at the log that was holding me down. "One second."

He ran back up to his car and came walking back with a saw. "What the..." I whispered under my breath. "I am gonna saw the log, just sit still." He said as he started. "Why do you have a saw in your car?" I asked and wiped tears that wouldn't stop falling from my blue eyes.

"I'm insane, what do you expect to be in my car?" He chuckled.

What seemed like hours passed. Even though it was only about five minutes, he was done sawing. "Okay, sit still while I push it forward." Chris said.


He struggled at first but it finally worked and I was free.

He opened my car door and I hugged him tight. "Thank you." I cried. I turned around and tried to open Dan's door, but failed. I tried again but it was jammed shut. "Chris, it's jammed." I sobbed. "Step back." He said and raised his saw and shattered the glass of the window and reached in and started to grab Dan.

Dan looked lifeless as he was in Chris' arms. I shook my head and tried to hold back the tears. ", no no..." I lost it.

"NOT AGAIN!" I screamed as Chris placed Dan on the cold, damp ground. I pushed Chris out of the way and grabbed Dan. I hugged him close and tight. I rocked back and forth with him in my arms. "Not again, please no, not again..." I whispered over, and over. "PLEASE CALL THE POLICE, CHRIS!" He shook his head and smirked. "Nah." He smiled.

I shook my head and dropped Dan.

My body filed with anger and I clenched my fist, so hard that my knuckles turned pure white.

"Call the goddamn police, Christopher James Kendall." I growled as I walked up to him slowly.

He looked terrified. "Okay, jesus. Just calm down."

He ran to his car and I heard him on the phone.

I sat back down by Dan.

"Please don't die on me now, Dan. Please."

I took two fingers and searched for his pulse.

His neck. Nothing. His wrist. Nothing.

I shook my head as I tried to hold back the tears.

I wasn't going to lose him again.

I opened his mouth and took a deep breathe and blew into his mouth.

I repeated that over and over.

And right before I gave up, I did it one last time and it worked.

He coughed and puked up a bit of blood but never opened his eyes.

"Dan, oh my god." I said as I hugged him close. "Dan, grip my hand as tight as you can if you can hear me." I said and about 5 seconds later, he did. It was like a child trying to grip my hand. He was so weak.

Chris came running back to us. "The police are on the way." He said and walked over to the car and grabbed Pj out of the car window. "No..." He whispered as he fell to the ground with Peej in his arms.

"No, no, no, no..." He repeated himself over and over. He rocked back in forth, tears streaming down his pale cheeks. "No, no, no!" He cried some more.

"Pj, please, don't do this. Wake up, please I'm begging you!" He sobbed into Pj's chest.

He started to shake him a bit. "PLEASE WAKE UP!" I've never seen him so upset in my life. And I've known him since we were children.

"Chris, it's over." I sighed. "NO!" He screamed and shook Pj faster. "IT CANT BE, THIS ISNT FAIR! JUST PLEASE! WAKE UP, PJ I CANT LIVE WITHOUT YOU, PLEASE WAKE UP!" He screamed at the top of his lungs.

"Check his pulse." I said. "I DID! NOTHING IS HAPPENING!" He cried into Pj's chest again.

I heard sirens in the distance. "They are here."

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