Chapter #32

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I lied in bed with Phil when suddenly he jerked upward, sweat dripping from his face and tears falling like no other.

"Phil! What's wrong?" I asked worriedly and hugged him. "I had a bad dream." He sniffed.
"I'm sorry, Lion." I said and hugged him closer to my chest. "It was only a dream."

"It felt so real." He sniffed and nuzzled into me. "What was it about?" I asked, stroking his hair. "About you... Me.." He sighed. "Chris."

"What..happened..?" I asked curiously. "Well, you made me breakfast in bed and were gonna surprise me with something and I had to pick out some close but I was having a hard time so I walked into your room.." He choked on his words. "You lied on your bed.. I thought you were asleep!" His voice cracked and hugged me tight and close. "I'm sorry Dan, I'm so sorry Dan!!" He sobbed and sobbed.

What is happening to him?

"Why are you sorry?" I asked and tried to hold back the tears that were threatening to fall. "Because, I didn't save you from Chris!" He shouted and sobbed. "What?"

"After I thought you were sleeping I realized you weren't sleeping... Chris had stabbed you and I couldn't help." He cried. "He looked Not Chris." He sniffed and pulled back, looking for a reaction I couldn't return.

I was in shock about this whole situation.

"It was only a dream, Phil. Don't worry, I'm fine. Everything is just fine." I faked smiled and grabbed his hand. "Wanna do something today?" I asked. "We have school.." Phil reminded me. "Shoot.. We do. Well... We can do something after school? How about that!?" I grinned. "Alright." He smiled.


After school Phil and I walked to Starbucks and sat and talked for hours. It was lovely...until someone walked in.. Jack Howard.

That idiot who made out with Pj when we dated. I groaned and Phil looked at me confusedly.

I whispered. "That guy that just walked in, I hate him." Phil looked around. "Don't look!!" I whisper yelled. Phil chuckled. "Sorry."

"Where is he?" Phil whispered. "That guy with the glasses at the counter.." I whispered. "He looks nice, though!" Phil said. "Looks can be deceiving... We should leave anyway." I said and stood up, trying to avoid Jack.

"Okay, but what's so wrong about the guy?"

"Many ma-" I was cut of by an all too familiar voice.

"Dan! Oh my gosh is that you?!" He asked. I sighed and turned around slowly to face the idiot. "What do you want?" I asked and Phil hit my side in a way to say 'be nice' like he always does.

I don't think Phil understands that there is just some people in this world we don't like.

"Well, it's crazy seeing you here, mate!" He cheered. I cursed under my breath and grabbed Phil's hand, dragging him outside and walking away from the Starbucks.

"What's your problem?!" Phil shouted as I dragged him along with me. "I hate that guy!" I stopped running when we almost reached campus, making Phil nearly run into me. "Why do you hate him so much?!" He asked, annoyedly. "HE KISSED MY EX BOYFRIEND!" I shouted, making it echo through town.

Phil stared at me. Surprise, fear, hurt, confusion and frustration boiled in him. It looked like he tried to speak but nothing would come out.

"I-I'm sorry for shouting." I sighed. "Why do you care if he kissed your ex boyfriend? We're together. Why does it matter now?" He asked as it started raining cats and dogs.

"I-I don't k-know... I just.." Before I could finish Phil started walking away. "Where are you going!?" I shouted, running after Phil.

I reached him and grabbed his shoulder. "LET GO OF ME!" He screamed and ran faster.

I paused and stood there a while as the rain soaked my clothes.

I've never seen Phil like this before.

Tears fell freely as I dropped to the ground and sat with my knees to my chest in the middle of the parking lot of the college.

I've messed everything up. He hates me. I shouldn't have said anything about me hating Jack, then none of this would have happened. I held on tighter to my legs and cried, not caring that I was getting weird looks from other students passing by.

I cried and cried then suddenly I got a pat on the shoulder and turned around to see BriBry.

The guy who I met at the police station.
"Dan?" He said, surprisingly. "Bri?" I asked and wiped my tears. "What're you even doing here?" I asked and stood up as he helped me. "I go here." He said. "Since when!?"

"Since the first day!" He chuckled. "Whoa.. I've never seen you around here." I giggled.

"Yeah same for you. But why are you out here in the rain? Were you crying?" He asked, tilting his head to the side a bit. "O-oh... Um. I got into a fight with my..boy-boyfriend." I prayed he wasn't homophobic. "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. Well, if you need to you can always sleep at my dorm whenever needed." He smiled. "I hope things work out between you two."

"Thanks dude. That means a lot. What's your dorm number?" I asked, putting my hands behind my back shyly. "Room 503."

"Okay, thanks. Is it okay if I stay the night tonight?" I asked. "Sure! I actually don't even have a roommate yet so this will be new!" He chimed. "Okay well, I am gonna go finish some homework. Come by...whenever!" And he started walking away. "Okay thanks!" I smiled and ran back to my dorm to pack some clothes.


When I arrived home I walked in to see, Phil sat on the couch, knees to his chest, and crossed arms. He looked so annoyed and angry. He didn't even look at me when I walked in. I walked to my room and gasped. I heard a snort, then some laughter from Phil in the living room.

I stepped into my room, my eyes widened, I was surprised to see a disaster.

My bed sheets all over the floor, ripped pillows, TV wires scattered all over the floor, blankets hanging out an opened window and what seemed to be soda covering everything, and some of my favorite shirts with what I think was green and blue paint.

"WHAT THE CRAP!" I shouted and ran back into the living room to see Phil smirking. "What did you do to my room!?" I shouted. "I gave it a makeover!" He laughed. "You know what? Fffff...'' I sighed.

I don't want to fight with him.

''I'm leaving.'' I growled and walked back into my room to gather some clothes that weren't ruined and stuffed them into my school packback, as my traveling bag was covered in paint and soda...

I flipped Phil off and left for Bri's dorm.

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