Chapter #36

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(A/N: This is my first time writing in Third Person so don't judge me if it sucks, please).


Dan and Phil arrived home, falling in sync onto the living room couch, hand in hand.

"I'm so happy you're home." Dan whispered. "I am too." Phil whispered in reply.

They didn't know why they were whispering but in the moment they didn't care. Dan was just happy they were back home, together, with each other and he was thankful Phil had made a full recovery.

Phil was thankful that he was okay and healthy.
He wouldn't take any of this back though, it's a good lesson he learned from this.


Later that day; The both of them lied cuddled on Phil's bed under the green and blue covers. Both naked chest and in just boxers. "Wanna go somewhere?" Dan interrupted the peaceful silence. "Like where?" Phil smiled and moved closer to his boyfriend. "I was thinking we could go to the store, buy some snacks... Some soda and just chat, watch some movies."

"You're so cheesy!" Phil giggled into Dan's chest. "But I'd love to, Danny Boy." Phil laughed. "Don't call me that, oh dear god.." Dan said and Phil broke out into an uncontrollable laughter for the next 3 minutes.


After Phil's laugher fit, they got dressed.
Phil in his sexy red jacket with some blue Cookie Monster pjs, Dan in his big black coat and some grey sweat pants and they got on their way.

They ran to the store downtown, not letting go of one another's hand and soon arrived.

They walked in, still hand in hand, being greeted by one of the workers and gained some strange looks. Dan moved closer to Phil in discomfort, Phil got the idea and whispered sweet nothings into his ear to calm him down as they walked through the store, searching for some snacks.

"Oh! Can we get some hot fries!?" Dan said, clapping his hands, jumping up and down. "Sure, but I won't be eating them." Phil chuckled. "Agh, you child." Dan mumbled under his breath jokingly. "Hey! I'm not the one who just jumped up and down, clapping their hands and asking if they can get them." Phil joked.

Dan rolled his eyes and grabbed two bags of fries and Phil's hand. "What do you want to get?" Dan asked as he skimmed his choices. "I want some potato crisps and some gummies!" He said and bolted in the direction to where the crisps were located, causing Dan to topple over him and fall on top of Phil.

They burst into laughter as Dan lied on Phil's chest. Phil leant up and lightly kissed Dan's soft lips when they heard a gasp and their heads shot up. "Get out of my store you homos!" A lady gasped. (A/N: The word homo is hilarious to me so I kinda had a heart attack from laughing)

The boys instantly stood up and brushed their clothes off. "It's-we-just.. We fell over." Dan was flustered and kept glancing at the worried looking Phil. "I will not allow two men make out in my store, get your butts out, NOW!" Dan grabbed Phil's hand and tried to walk away but to find Phil still standing in front of the homophobic lady.

Phil pulled Dan close and crashed his lips onto the boys soft ones.

They stayed like that for about 10 seconds as the lady just covered her eyes and groaned. "This is my boyfriend and I'll kiss him all I like. And actually, we kiss everyday. Do things your over religious family wouldn't approve of two men doing with one another." Phil spoke and Dan covered his mouth with his free one, trying to hide his laughter but failed and burst into laughter as Phil continued. "Are you a grandparent?" Phil asked the bewildered woman. "Yes, soon will be.." She said with a confused tone.

"Boy or girl?" Phil asked. "Boy..." She spoke.

"Well woman, I hope to god, he's gay. In fact I know he'll be gay. I hope he finds a boyfriend and does the dirty with him every single night." Phil smirked and Dan hopped up and down laughing and crying.

The woman's eyes widened at the words coming from the black haired boys mouth, walking away and leaving the two to cheer and laugh.

"OH MY GOD!" Dan cheered as he grabbed both of Phil's hands and they both jumped up and down cheering. "I didn't know those words could ever come from your mouth!" Dan gasped for air, it being gone because of the laughter. "To be honest, I didn't either." He chuckled.

Dan grabbed his crisps that he had dropped in surprise earlier at Phil's words off from the floor and they grabbed some more snacks and checked out.

Once the boys arrived home they stayed up watching movies and eating their snacks.

During their movie marathon they watched Whip It. Dan lay on a pillow with Phil in between his legs and on his chest. Dan sighed in content and Phil had fallen asleep in the middle of the movie, hand in a crisps bag and one around Dan's back.

Dan chuckled and took the crisps from his boyfriends hand and sat them on the floor beside them on the couch and pulled Phil closer to him.

He closed his eyes and felt a soft pair of lips on his and he glanced up to see Phil. Their lips parted and they both fell into a peaceful sleep.

Both dreaming of things reflecting off from their happiness.

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