Chapter 1

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The workers were busy packing the stuff , niyati was guiding them while packing the fragile glass pieces 

     Niyati decided to check in kitchen to see that nothing is left to pack , but the moment she arrived in the kitchen lots of memories started appearing in front her eyes 

As memories related to this house cannot be packed and they created some beautiful memories in this lavish flat in New York 

Memories of their moments, memories of Avinash 

Four months ago 

   Niyati shouted from the kitchen listening to the glass shatteriing sound " Aditya!!!what the hell are you doing? Avinash you have spoiled this boy a lot "

 Avinash quickly pick his little boy in his arms and searched for injuries to his relief he found none , than he noticed his wife who is shooting daggers at him 


"Relax niya, I will take care of him from now on , you carry on with your work. Come on adi champ we will do some work in our study "stating this Avinash picked him in his arms

    Adi giggled at his dad and soon they left the room. That night when niyati reached the bedroom of this new house she was surprised to see the room decorated with flowers and scented candles. Two arms hugged her from behind 

 What is all this ?"

    It's our first night in our dream house so just thought to make it special " Avinash whispers  biting her earlobe in last 

     Niyati giggled as his beard tickling her skin, soon Avinash started making love to his wife and  they ended up in bed .,to make that night a memorable one  

     After a passionate love making session , Niyati asked Avinash something she wanted to ask for long 

 "Avi, I think we should go for another child. I wanted a sibling for adi "

"No and don't ask me again as I will not melt with your pleadings, Aditya Sharma is enough for us at least for this life "

 "But… "

 "No if and no but, don't forget to take your  pills "

 "Hmm " Niyati hummed but she decided something else in her mind, after all the ball is in her court. 

   There months passed and Avinash Niyati and Aditya are happy at their new place 

The routine was same Avinash used to drop adi first in day care than niyati to her bank and then he should leave for his office 

Three months later

 One morning, Niyati was tapping her foot sitting for the result of the pregnancy kit and the moment  it showed two lines she squealed in joy. But now the difficult task was to convince Avinash for this baby and firstly she has to listen all scolding for pulling this stunt.  from the day she shifted to this house she quit taking her pills and now she got the result she was wishing for 

 When she came to the bedroom she   found Avinash shouting at someone on call, and was looking very tense .

Since last week , Niyati has been observing him like this, always under pressure , but  she thought there may be some office issues. Observing his mood she decided to give this good news to him  in evening 

Avinash dropped adi to school and than he dropped niyati at her bank, before getting down niyati requested 

 "   Avi, will you come little early today "

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