chapter 64

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The Dhanrajgir family left  for Bangalore after fixing the wedding date, which was two days later
Kabir has to make a lot of preparations for the kids in their home

Two days later they again arrived in Agra in the morning of the wedding day
Kabir was fixing his customized suit as it was his wedding day with Niyati

Kabir denied any big wedding ceremony and suggested a registered marriage at home, where only the family members who actually matter to them will be present.

Anant entered the suite and informed Kabir about the time they were going to leave
For duggal house .

   Kabir gave a nod to his dad, then he noticed his dad's tense face .

“Are you okay, dad? Is something bothering you? “

“Hmm, Avantika.”

Kabir turned around to confront him and asked, raising his eyebrow

   “ What do you mean by avantika ? Wait, are you not in favor of Avantika aunty staying with us. She is a sweet lady, dad “.

“No, it's not about her but still.“

“Dad, please be clear.‘

“  Kabir Your mom never leaves a chance to create scenes and now her best friend is coming to stay with her. So you can imagine how they will team up against me “

Kabir chuckled at his dad's words, but then  told him

“Don't worry, dad, nothing will happen like this but if it does, then I promise that me and my kids will support you.”

"Yeah, as you have always done to date, you always find a narrow escape.

Kabir laughed more  and Anant gaped at his laughing face. It has been years since he has looked so happy, like he used to be in his college days.

  Anant gave Kabir a warm hug and patted his back.
“I am  happy for you. I know you will be the best dad for Aditya and Avni.
But promise me, you will never hurt Niyati.“

Kabir smiled at his gesture and told him
“Never ever, dad.“

  The same moment Malini entered the suite, talking with Avantika on the phone, she noticed her husband and son hugging each other with moisture in their eyes.

Malini cut the call and asked them
“What's the matter ? Is everything fine ?’”

“ Yup, you will not understand how emotional this is for a man who is getting married; after all, he is sacrificing his freedom . so I was just giving him emotional support “

Anant told Malini while breaking the hug with kabir

“Although I regret bursting your bubble, the true sacrifice is always made by the woman. Why do you men think that it is a peasant task for a woman to leave her family and adjust to a new house?”

“Mom    … please , not today “

“Despite the fact that I promised you I would not fight today, are you able to observe the havoc that your father is causing? Ask him how I took his freedom ?. people still say that Anant is lucky to have a wife like me and this man has no value of me “

Ok, I agree. You women did all the sacrifice and we men lost nothing. Now happy.?”

“This is music to the ears,“ malini replied with winning smile

“Mom, dad, if you both are done, can we leave?

Malini  smiled at them and left the suite, adjusting her saree.

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