chapter 71

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Its means a lot to me ❤️❤️

Niyati was still in shock recalling how Aditya talked about step dad and she was sure that Kabir will doubt him for feeding these things to little Aditya 

But that's not true ,though she will not be surprised by Kabir's allegations; it's his old habit to assume things and react to them; it's his actual nature which cannot be changed .

While after Kabir left the farmhouse 

Niyati took Aditya in the other room and first  changed Aditya ‘’s clothes and entered the dining room to fed him lunch 

Niyati waited for Aditya to calm down  and then asked him about the reason behind what he said about Kabir .

    Nimmi told me this , Ash happen in movies 

Buddy is  my step dad now, so he will punish me and beat me too 

  Niyati sighed and understood that the matter is sensitive for little Aditya 

“ Ok so tell me  Did your buddy hurt you ever ?“

“ No…”

     Well adi i thought you like your buddy, that's why you are friends with him and after all he gave you such a nice bedroom and a play zone too isn't it , “ niyati uteed while feeding him .’ 

Aditya nodes at his mother 

Avantika Malini and Anant were just observing the scene and Admiring the way niyati trying to handle Aditya .

    But … neevi told me 

She must be teasing you as your buddy never ever scolds you so what does it prove? That he loves you and princess too  

   "Hmm but mom you also don't like him na ? "

  Niyati halted the spoon in between and then gaped at him she masked her emotions and told him 

  "  No .. it's not that ..I like your buddy "

“  Then why you never talk to him ?“

Niyati was loss of words as it's a fact she used to avoid Kabir and talk to him only when it's needed 

Avantika noticed the discomfort of niyati’s face and tried to handle Aditya

"Aditya finish your food first and then we will go to the lawn "

  Ok dadi” Aditya told her and quickly ate the dessert .

   Shortly Aditya left for the lawn with anant 

And niyati took Avni to the bedroom to put her to sleep 

     While she was feeling Avni Avantika arrived in the room 

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