Chapter 28

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Surya gape at his sister Sneha who was appearing like an insane person, he also didn't have any idea as when she got so much obsessed with kabir. And the most shocking part was his uncle Mr Samar Kapoor was also aware about his daughter’s  obsession for Kabir and he never stopped Sneha from this madness.

   Surya sighed and told Sneha “ I know what you want and your feelings towards Kabir ?But trust me Niyati is no harm for you as she is already engaged. 

 “  Engaged? Just engaged which could be broken up easily.  I know my kabir last night I saw his eyes on that girl , he has some feelings for her which was not lust 

 Surya knew that as well, and he was shocked to know how she noticed all this in one look at him. Whereas sneha continued 

   You know I invited him for dinner last night and he refused making excuses for dinner plans with  his friends. I thought he must be talking about you and that fool mohit. , but I was shocked to see him dancing in the rain that too in the middle of the road . And what pained me was the smiling faces of both of them. I swear I will not  leave that girl “ 


“ You don't have to do any sort of that as Kabir is trapping that girl for revenge.. It's just a game to take revenge for Avinash Sharma “

“ Revenge game? Avinash Sharma! Isn't he the same Avinash “

“  Yes he is, and niyati is his fiance so kabir wanted to take revenge for whatever happened years ago and he is just trapping Niyati for revenge.”

 Surya has to tell about the plan to save niyati from sneha’s wrath. As he knew how cruel Sneha could be for her obsession for kabir.

 Sneha was  lost in deep thoughts for a while and then told him “  ok fine! I believe you but still you will keep me posted about every detail about them. Am I clear “ 

.Surya just gave a nod and left the room  .

Many times Surya wanted to tell Kabir about Sneha's obsession towards him but he couldn't get the courage to do so. As he was totally dependent  on his uncle, and couldn't afford to make him angry , as the world knows about the love of Samar Kapoor for his only child Sneha. 

 One week passed by and Niyati  and Kabir kept meeting  at lunch time with their friends. 

 Their friendship and comfort  kept increasing with passing days . .    

Soon the day arrived when Surya ,Kabir and Mohit reached to the resort where the wedding functions of kuldeep and swati are going to start from the next day 

.   Mohit was the most excited one as he believes in all bollywood movies which displays some unique love story between strangers began in Indian wedding 

. Kuldeep welcomed his friends with a warm hug 

“  So.. Ready to sacrifice your freedom “ kabir didn't miss the chance to tease him 

  “ Shut up ,I request you to mind your words in front of swati.”

     “ Hmm I will , anyway what are the plans?”

“ The wedding functions will start from tomorrow morning, then the wedding will take place the day after tomorrow in Gurudwara.  Then a lavish reception in bangalore 

“.We  know all this as it's mentioned in the wedding card too, idiot..i am asking for bachelor party “

“Bachelor party!!really!!. But who is doing that ?as swati will kill me “

  “ Ooh shut up and be a man for once before getting trapped in this marriage “ Kabir scolded him 

    “  Ok tell me, what do you want me to do ?’

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