Chapter 46

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Chapter begans

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Chapter begans

Gaping at Niyati, Kabir turned to go into his living room.His door remained ajar for her. 


As he wanted to  learn more about why niyatii played with his emotions like this .

 With a bag in hand, Niyati came into the living room and 

began to speak 

  “  I was here to return these things .. I got the cards and gifts that you bought me till date 

You already believe  that I am a cheater and now I don't want you to add one more allegation by tagging me as a gold digger too. “

“  You  got some guts ,really, after listening to me last night you still dare to visit me . I know  you will be  feeling devastated as I catch you red handed or else you must have kept fooling me in your love web . If you are here to play some emotional card then it will be better you leave before I lost my mind and kill you this instance “ 

 “  Fooling ? Emotional card!!,Really KD ,I think the same about you , after looking at your real face  last night, I am ashamed of myself for falling for you ,giving you a chance and never again say that you love me . As the first condition of love is trust in each other . But you didn't wait to hear me out and now I am not interested in telling you the truth ,as it doesn't matter what you think about me as you said last night it's over so it's over .”

  “  Great then !or else I thought you were here with some other drama.  “Kabir muttered while picking up a beer can .

“ Drama!! I don't believe in creating drama, as it's an art of fake people ,and  my feelings are not fake ,nor my emotions. It's just that I chose and trusted  the wrong person. But still I need one answer from you and expect that you should be truthful ,  is really there some goons or is it actually  you who  drugged me that night ?“

 Kabir gave a hard glare at her , and then chuckled 

“ So Sharmaji played  his card. I am impressed he played it well ,such a bastard he is, and as far as  your answer is concerned  think whatever you like I don't care to explain .

And if you believe him that why are you even asking ?”

   More tears slipped from her eyes .

“   Yeah you are right but you know that's the difference between you and me ,I want to give you a fair chance to put your side in front of me. I am ready to hear your side not like you who just jumped into conclusion .”

   Kabir lost his cool and again reach to her pulling her hand and pinning her into nearby  wall 

     “Chance for what ? I am not  believing in  what I heard niyati, you are forgetting I caught you in a honeymoon suite with that Sharma wearing just his t-shirt . And I guess if I arrived a few minutes earlier then I must found him fucking you “ 

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