chapter 56

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The party was moving towards its end and Kabir was busy playing with Avni and Kabir.

Anant just kept gazing at him ,his happy face when he was with Niyati's kids.

Few minutes later the dhanrajgir family decided to leave for hotel, they have to start for bangalore tomorrow morning 

   Kabir knew this is the time to say goodbye to the kids he just placed kiss on avni's cheeks and then pass her to avantika 

 Avantika noticed his glossy eyes and the commented 

    She is going to miss you kabir ,thank you so much for handling her all these days 

 Don't say like this aunty , and yes I will miss her too . I have a small request of you don't mind can I talk to her on video call sometimes 

  Avantika was surprised at his request but she agreed happily 

 Yeah why not ?

 Niyati was just listening to this conversation from a  distance. She was scared by Anant's arrival but the way Anant acted like a stranger with her she was relieved . 

    Malini reached to Niyati and took her in a warm hug ,” you are doing a commendable job in raising your kids single handedly . I know beta life is tough for you but in the last few days I understood  you are also strong enough to handle this . And if you need any help just give me a call I will reach out to you “

Niyati smiled and touch her feet for blessings 

Malini blessed her with a smile .

   Mohit bansal also reached to them and was shocked to see anant then he composed himself and greeted  him First . Then he reached Niyati and told her.


“ Niyati I am leaving now ,and what is  your plan ,I mean when are you reaching New york ?”

“ Next week and thanks for coming Mohit “

“ Ooh come on ,anytime sister . See you soon in New York “ Mohit took her niyati in a  side hug and then left for the airport after greeting avantika and Malini. He just gave a curt nod at Kabir as he was not ready for any more talk with Kabir.As he also never understands  when he will make a blunder unknowingly .

 Kabir was in deep thought listening to Niyati. She is leaving for New York in a week. It means he has to act fast or else he will again miss her from his life .

  Before leaving Kabir reach to aditya and passed hima big packet of toys which he arranged by sending his men to the nearby mall 

    Aditya was delighted to see so many toys

“All this is for me “

“Yup champ ..”

“ Thank you uncle “

 Kabir took him in his arms and kissed on his cheeks , he felt tears dampening his cheeks as he was holding his son . But he has to control on his emotions so he just wiped it before anyone could notice and then told Aditya 

“ Just take good care of yourself and princess ok .”

 Aditya gave a nod at him and then Kabir left him from his arms and reach to his family 

Niyati noticed the bag of toys which Kabir passed to aditya .so she commented 

“aunty I don't think it was needed , you already gave many dresses for avni too and now this “

“Ooh come on it's ok , they are kids .” Malini replied .

  Niyati didn't say more but she didn't like Kabir giving those expensive things to her kids . The dresses for avni were also very expensive and now these toys . But she just kept calm as it's a matter of today only .

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