chapter 5

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Kabir entered the house and found her mother busy with some guests in the living room. The two men greeted Kabir, and he replied with a curt nod. 

   Malini gestured towards the empty chair, showing her son Kabir to sit down. She introduced him to Mr. Iyer and Mr. Murthy, both of whom were part of the management staff at St. Martin's College.

“They are here to invite your dad as the chief guest for the annual function which is going to be held tomorrow evening.”

“Oh. Dad cannot attend because he being overseas.

  “Yeah, that’s what I told them. “

    Madam pardon me but we have distributed the invites as this year Mr dhanrajgir gave a commitment that he will attend this function  

Kabir acknowledged the problem, but they had to plan the business trip because they needed to resolve some issues in the deal with the Australian clients and his dad needed to be there.. So he has to leave in a haste 

Kabir made the guest aware of the reason for sudden abroad trip of his dad. “I hope now you will understand our problem, too. “

They both the men gave a assuring nod but in reality they were in a tight spot., as arranging for some other guests at the last moment is not possible for them too.

So Mr murthy came up with an idea 

“No issues sir, why don’t you join us as a chief guest? after all, you are the CEO of Dhanrajgir group of industries,”

 Kabir found himself in a state of indecision for accepting the invitation. To begin with, he has absolutely no memory of his college years. He recalls Kuldeep as his only friend, and this happened only after Kuldeep provided ample proof of their friendship through photographs.

There are other people who have met Kabir and claim to be friends with him, however, he doesn't have much recollection of them.

“I don’t think it’s not a good idea. “ 

“Why not? I think you must go. Your professors will love to have their nerd student as the chief guest. You will be the inspiration to the young students, “malini interfered as she wanted his son to divert his mind.

 Kabir Didn’t argue more than,as he was also curious to see the college. He was one of the top students of St Martin, as his parents proudly presented him with a plethora of certificates and trophies. He expressed a desire to visit the place and therefore accepted the invitation.

 The next evening Kabir started for the college 

Malini was delighted about Kabir’s visit to his college. She clicked a photo and sent it to her husband, notifying him about Kabir filing his place as a chief guest in college. Malini could not inform him before, as he must be busy with his meetings.

The moment Anant saw the pic and read the message, he was stunned and got worried for Kabir. He wanted to scold Malini for pulling this foolish act, but for now he has to handle the situation. The next moment, he called Kuldeep and told him to reach college to accompany Kabir. In addition, another reason is to make the visit shorter for Kabir as well.

The staff of the college gave Kabir a warm welcome upon his arrival. Soon they escorted him to the hall where the event was going to take place 

Kabir walked towards the front row and settled down on the respective seats assigned to him. It came to his attention that there were senior staff members who were observing him with a look of surprise on their faces. The way they acted seemed more like they were passing judgment on him .

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