Chapter 3

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 Kabir woke up from his sleep and the first thing he did was to search for the photo of his love with closed eyes as he only want to see her face  first thing in the morning 

   "Good morning love "

    After kissing her photo frame he left for the washroom and than for his gym session, after completing workout he entered the jacuzzi and later to his closet 

  In the lavish dining room of Dhanrajgir mansion , the dhanrajgir couple was settled for their breakfast 

"  Where is Kabir ?" 

" Where else? He must be in the museum, talking to that statue. He is so mad that he doesn't care for us nor society. Just chanting one name: sneha, sneha … Tell him that she is not going to return ever "

"      Relax malini, today I am going to meet the doctor again to ask about his counseling sessions ."

  "Nothing will help him, he has just lost himself in grieving about Sneha and his baby. 
Even our house help started laughing at his madness now "

   "  Good morning dad , mom " Kabir entered the dining room ready in his suit 

" Good morning son, come join us. we were waiting for you only "

"No dad I have to attend a  important meeting so see you later goodbye "

 After reaching  office ,he started moving towards the vip elevator  .Sanjay Verma his PA was tailing behind him narrating about the schedule for the day ., on the way 

On the way Kabir spotted a woman employee who was trying to pick a document from floor but her heavily pregnant belly was troubling her .Kabir reached to her and picked up the paper for her 

The woman was surprised to see Kabir Dhanrajgir standing in front but soon she composed her  nervousness 

"Thank you sir "

" It's ok , in which department you work mrs…"

" Mrs Elena Joseph , accounts department sir 

"Why don't you take leave, I mean you need rest isn't it ?"

"  Sir …actually I applied for leave one week ago but the HR department rejected it and … threatened me to leave the job if I wanted to go for leave so badly ."

   "Mrs Joseph,  follow me for now "

  The woman was not sure but she did as told she followed Kabir in his private elevator and soon they reached Kabir 's cabin 

Kabir Dhanrajgir

CEO, Dhanrajgir group of industries 

 Mrs Joseph knew this ,still her eyes landed on the nameplate on the big mahogany desk 

  Kabir signaled her to take a seat on comfortable couch and then he ordered Sanjay

  "Call the HR head now ,and juice for mrs Joseph"

"No sir it's ok " mrs Joseph was nervous with the situations 

"Have it you will feel better " Kabir overruled her objection 

Mrs Joseph was getting surprised by the way Kabir is behaving with her .Sanjay gave a nod at Kabir and within five minutes the HR head entered the office wiping his sweat 

"   Sir Mr Iyer ,the head of HR department"

"Good morning sir "

 " Hmm do you know this lady " Kabir pointed towards mrs Joseph who was sipping on her juice 

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