chapter 26

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The next day at lunchtime when Niyati arrived in the canteen, she passed Kabir some papers and told him.”

“I think this much research is enough for our project. Go through it and inform me if you felt to add some more things “

“Niyati.. Wait. Can we talk?’

  “ No.. I don’t talk with liars and stalkers “

“Stalkers! No, I was not doing any sort of that, I just want to apologize to you for last night. I never wish to invade your privacy.. 

“  But still you followed me, assuming that I am making an excuse for not working on the project. Seriously, you think like that about me?” 

  “No.. Niyati, you're misunderstanding it. I'm aware of your dedication and work ethic.,In terms of academics. Please overlook my behavior from last night. We need to make sure there is no disagreement between us during the presentation, or the faculty won't approve the project. Try to understand “ 

   Niyati gaped at Kabir for a minute and then gave a nod 

“ Thanks a ton , now please have a sit and detail me about your research “”

“I already gave you the papers “

“But I would like to know about it in your words , so please start “

“ Hmm ok “ Niyati took a seat at the adjacent chair and started narrating her points 

   Kabir kept listening to her with focus. Within minutes, his attention diverted towards her beautiful features, her pretty eyes which are highlighted with kohl, she was wearing small earnings which suit her face cut and it painted her lips in lip gloss 

     Niyati completed her points then looked at Kabir and found him gazing at her with a smile 

“   Kabir, what do you think?”

 “ Beautiful… “ Niyati raised an eyebrow at him and Kabir broke his thought process, he continued “ no I mean you put it in such impressive words. Nice very nice “ 

Niyati sighed and took her leave from the college canteen ,Surya and Mohit were observing this scene unfold from a distance.

They reached to Kabir, and Surya was the one to ask 

“ Are you sure she is getting impressed by you as we can see the actual opposite happening  “

“ What do you mean?”

 “You look completely fascinated by her. Are you sure this is a revenge game?”

“ It’s true that I am impressed by her. The first time I met a strong-headed girl who didn’t care about my looks or money, in fact I had to put efforts to get her attention. And about the revenge game we will decide upon later. Maybe we could find some other way to take revenge on Avinash.. 

“ So you are dropping this revenge plan ?”

“I didn’t say so. I just want to have a perfect revenge plan for Avinash and from the day I am talking with niyati,  she never even once mentioned his name. So they didn’t seem to be even close, and I didn’t see Sharma around her for some days .”

“ So you think they broke up ?” mohit stated his thoughts

 “ Who cares? What matters is if Niyati is not even close to him, then there is no point in troubling Niyati.  Mohit was right, she is a nice girl  

See, I am always right and by the way; I am not talking to you both. Kabir, you killed my healthy grandmother last night. You know I was so worried for her wellbeing that I called her at night and only slept after getting her health updates.. By God's grace she is doing fine “

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