chapter 65

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Dheer took her darling daughter in a hug and told her with moist eyes 

"I understand that this will be difficult for you, but I still want you to move on with your life because the past cannot be undone. 

since we had no control over it.

Nonetheless, Kabir is a kind man who adores your children unconditionally. 

So you must also try to  accept him and his family. “

Niyati just gave a nod to at her  uncle and then got settle in the car 

Seema took avantika in a warm hug and told her 

Bhabhi , we are your family too if you feel any discomfort in living in their house and then return to Agra without a second thought .always remember you have a house here too “ 

 Avantika smiled in tears and then  gave a nod to seems 

    Soon they all started for the journey of banglore 

The big iron gates opened and the swanky cars of dhanrajgir entered the Dhanrajgir villa 

Niyati opt to sit with avantika and her kids in another car while kabir was traveling with avni and his parents in other car 

Avni used to leave him only when she needs feed or else she loves sticking to Kabir 

All the way in the plane, Niyati kept distance from Kabir .

 After stepping down from the car avantika niyati and little aditya gaped at the big mansion name Dhanrajgir villa Malini reach to them and told niyati 

“You wait here, first i would perform the welcome rituals of the new bride then you can enter along with kabir “ 

 Kabir who was behind Malini told her mother 

What's the need of all this ? I don't believe in these rituals, what's the need  for trouble..

“It's ok aunty , I don't have any problem “ 

Niyati interrupted their talk 

Malini gave a smile to Niyati and a glare to Kabir 

Malini and Anant entered house first, where the staff was waiting with the essentials needed to welcome the new bride of this house 

Malini signals kabir and niyati to  stand beside each other  on the main  door 

Niyati held Aditya ‘’s hand  and made him stand between them 

Kabir held his one hand in his soft  grip and he was holding avni with his other hand 

Aditya was mesmerized by the lavish interiors of the house and he couldn't believe he is going to stay in this big house now .

  Malini put a tikka on the forehead of the couple and little Aditya .

Then she asked niyati to push the tumbler filled with rice, which was placed on the entrance, with her right foot 

Niyati did as she was asked and then she dipped her foot in red liquid of vermilion  and stepped inside the house 

   Avantika was gaping at the happy faces of Malini and Anant .

After taking blessing of elders Malini told the 

“It's already dinner time we should carry on with dinner first then we all can take rest for night “

  “Yeah that will be better “  avantika supported her 

Avantika agreed and soon they all entered for the dining room 

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