chapter 24

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Important Note
In the stars is an intense love story holding lost of secrets .so as a writer I have to focus on every point while penning down a chapter.
As every past incident will be related to the present incidences. So don't rush for updates of this story.
I will update whenever I will be ready with a good chapter .
Hope you enjoy reading this one too .

The same evening, Kabir entered the office at the mentioned time and someone soon escorted him to the meeting room. When he reached the office room, he noticed a few individuals waiting for him. Kabir settled into his chair after greeting them with a handshake.

Kabir knew about the meeting's subject because his dad had already sent him the file.

   Few minutes passed by but the person in charge of the contract as not starting with the meeting so Kabir inquired to one of the person who belongs to his dad”s office and was accompanying him today 

“ What’s the matter ? What are we waiting for ?”

“ Miss Kapoor , she is going to arrive soon “

  “Hmm ok “

    Few minutes later, Miss Sneha Kapoor arrived in the office room, wearing her formal suit and along with her team, which consisted of five people who were also appearing quite professional in their suits. 

.  Sneha gave a curt nod at Kabir and got settled in the chair placed beside him 

    Soon the Meeting proceeded and the clients who were in charge of the road contract started detailing their work.

All the time they kept boasting, their firm for achieving the target before time.It was the first time Kabir attended a meeting and gradually he was feeling very bored but still he pretends he was interested in the meeting.

    After listening to the other persons, Sneha started her query 

   “ It’s good to know that you achieved your target before time, but the thing that matters to us is the quality of your work .we will not compromise the quality in your rush to complete the target “

“ Yes, madam, we are keeping a check on the quality . “

“Ok then, how will you clarify this?”

   One member of her team forwarded the tab to the contractors, Sneha forwarded the other tab towards kabir  too 

Kabir observed images of damaged roads with holes and a road that looked freshly constructed.

    “Madam.. This “ the in-charge started sweating badly.

   “Can you describe this? “ Sneha asked them in her indifferent tone

“ Madam, we don’t know about this , but we will 

“ We cannot afford to give chances to your firm and this is not some trial going on. You earned this contract as your quality of work impresses our companies, but after watching this type of work.

We are withdrawing your contract”

“No madam, please reconsider your decision. We will make assure that there will be no complaints now onwards 

 “ You should accept the mistake and my decision too, or else I will not waste time to blacklist your firm. So the meeting is over for now. Thank you 

    By declaring this, Sneha ended any possibility of further discussion, causing the contractors to leave the office room with a disappointed expression.

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