chapter 21

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   The following day, upon Niyati's arrival at college, she realizes an assignment that involves collaboration between two MBA students for a project. A team comprising one junior and one senior member will be assigned to a project.

They gathered the individuals in the college's Hall, where the announcements for the projects and teams were to take place.

     Alisha, who was sitting next to niyati, told her, “you know I am eager to see who will get KD as a partner? “

“Don’t tell me you are still not over him? “

“No, it’s not like that. He is very good in studies, so you know it will be a double benefit for the person who gets him as a partner “

  “Double benefit!!”

 “Yes I mean,he is so attractive and a good-looking man and the next is he is clever in academics so of course it will be a great help to his partner.”

“I don’t agree with you, rather he will be no help to his partner and will be a nuisance.. So who ever gets KD as partner will be quite unfortunate   “

  Alisha gaped at her in astonishment, to which Niyati just shrugged her shoulders 

 Soon, the faculty started announcing the names of the teams

      Her name took Niyati by surprise a few moments later. She was even more shocked when her partner's name was announced.

 As it was none other than Kabir Dhanrajgir 

Alisha burst into laughter after listening to this.

And then earned a glare from niyati 

    After they announced all the names, niyati reached to the faculty members and requested to change her partner but to her bad luck, they didn’t even hear her requests and didn’t heed to her reasons 

     Niyati sighed and was reading the details of the assignment when a crisp voice from behind startled her.

“So you are my partner I think.. Miss duggal .“

     Niyati took a deep breath and then turn around to face him 

“Yes.. Mr dhanrajgir I am “

  “Well then, we have one week’s time to submit this assignment.. Tomorrow we will discuss the points “

“Why tomorrow? And not today.”

Let's clarify one thing from the outset - although we are a team, I am your senior and will thus decide when we should discuss these assignments., how are we going to work on this?

  Niyati let out a sigh, yet still nodded in agreement. She expected KD would attempt to cause trouble for her in the upcoming week. She knew she possessed the ability to manage whatever came her way, thus she embraced it.

      The next morning, niyati entered the college and received a message from an unknown no

Meet me at lunch break in cafeteria “


  Niyati sighed reading this message. She was getting irritated about the way Kabir was ordering around her 

 Niyati walked into the cafeteria during lunchtime.

Kabir reached to her and told her 

“Great, you are on time, come we have to leave “

“Leave? Where?”

 “The nearby mall I have researched about our project, so we have to get some details “

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