Chapter 60

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Upon returning home in the late evening, Kabir discovered Malini was waiting for order for her to express her opinions regarding Kabir's suggestion that she marry Niyati 

    Kabir ignored her and went to his room, so Malini made the decision to speak with him over supper. But at dinner time he informed Malini that he is not having  dinner tonight through the servant 

   Malini sighed knowing that  she knew Kabir was upset with her because of the morning argument . She glanced at dining table on which she is only present as anant was busy in sending sime business party and his PA informed this in the evening to Malini 

Malini knew very well that Anant is avoiding her , that's why he went for the business party 

Malini decided  to discuss this matter soon before things got out of hand. 

Kabir was reading some files when he heard a knock on the door. He knew who it must be ? 

“Come in “ 

Malini entered the bedroom and Kabir just noticed her presence but didn't bother to talk. He again got busy with his work .

“I want to discuss something with you about niyati “ 

”  Mom …I told you what I am expecting from this alliance and you also told me your thoughts about this . So I don't think there is anything more left to discuss  between us about niyati “

“  Kabir .. I know you have a soft corner for the kids and I truly appreciate that but my concern is more about niyati “ 

“Don't start again that she is widow and what will society think “ 

“No I didn't mean what I said in the morning , Kabir marriage is a commitment. It's understood  that you want to give your name to Aditya and Avni but you have to also give niyati the rights of a wife.  I don't want to do any injustice with her . “ 

“ What do you mean ? You know she loves his late husband and I love sneha so what do you expect from me or  her “ 

“But still you will be a couple after marriage and you have to be on good terms with her being her companion and her support system . I don't want you to treat her only as the mother of those kids whom you love ,like a  charity case whom you married out of pity . You have to give her respect and all the rights that she deserves . Tell me will you be able to do that ? “ 

  Kabir gaped at her mother for a second and then closed his work in hand and reached Malini .

  He make Malini settled on the recliner chair and kneeled before her he held her hand in his 

“  You forget mom, I am your son your upbringing do you not trust me enough 

I agree that maybe I could never give love to Mrs sharma but the moment I will marry her she will have all the rights and needed respect  as Mrs Kabir Dhanrajgir should have.

And if someone is doing actual charity or pity then it will be her who will trust me with her kids and those kids will fill my life with happiness .

I will try my best to keep Mrs Sharma happy and take care of her too .  Maybe we can't give each other 's place in our hearts but with passing time ,we will definitely develop a bond of friendship and companionship on which we will raise avni and aditya ..” 

   Malini was in tears listening to him she bent and kissed on his forehead 

And then order him 

“Book ticket for Agra ,we will leave tomorrow and if everything went good than I want this marriage as soon as possible “ 


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