chapter 55

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Kabir composed his tears and the dwelling happiness inside him, Aditya is his son, his blood no surprise, he took over his traits so well, he can't wait for the moment when he could hear him calling as  his dad 

But the next moment the thought of Niyati hiding his son brings a wave of anger to his mind 

Kabitr knew that this matter was sensitive and he had to plan perfectly to handle this matter 

He was busy in his thoughts when Malini reached him 

How are you feeling now?

Fine mom 

Malini then gazed at the little girl who was giving a hard glare at her, she chuckled recalling what she had done with her few moments ago so she decided to tease her again 

Malini kept his hand on kabir ‘ shoulder and as she was expecting avbni was quick to remove her hnda from kabir , followed with some baby growls and an angry pout 

“ooh god she is possessive about you too ?”

“Me too means ?”

Malini briefed how this girl pulled her hairs for touching avantika 

Kabir chuckled and then Malini came on the question which she actually want to ask

“Kabir, did your dad arrived ?”

Kabir look at her and complained “ yes and mom why did you troubled him , poor dad he left all his work to meet me 

“Hmm so what do you expect? I should have slapped you a few times to make you conscious and then ask  for your permission to call your dad here,since you were unconscious ,which made me more worried so I decided to call him ? by the way what he was saying “

“ Very smart mom ,He is very angry with you as he thinks  you didn't take good care of me. He was sure that you must be dancing in the barat leaving me alone . So did you dance ?” kabir inquired knowing very well her mother’s obsession about dancing in baraat or family functions ,and smartly added the last line 

“What ? no ? and don't worry I will handle him .. i think  “ malini replied when some relative call for her and she left 

Kabir took Avni to the lawn where the kids were playing. He noticed the way Aditya was enjoying playing with kids and little Avni enjoyed looking at kids around her. Kabir smiled in tears as how kids could change any atmosphere into a cheerful one . soon his house will be filled with sound of giggles  of aditya and Avni  

Few moments later , avni started whining and kanbir understood she needs her mother , he look for Avantika first but then his eyes fell upon Niyati who was standing in the party hall discussing something with mohit , so he decided to reach directly for Niyati 

Niyati was talking to mohit when kabir reach to them holding the little girl in his arms 

“Excuse me , Mrs Shrma ,Ii think she needs you “

Niyati was stunned to hear his voice but she just look at him and then hold her girl in her arms and excused herself 

While  Mohit was looking at kabir in astonishment , he was shocked to see kabir behaving so formally with Niyati , and a relief surrounded him that Kabir didn't mind his words nor did he get his memory back .

But still he want to make sure so he asked 

“ Mr Kabir , whatever I said in the morning was not true , I realize it late, that I took you for some other kabir “

Kabir struggled to held his chuckle but he knew how Mohit’s brain actually work so he replied in a stern voice 

“Its ok , you might get confused at that time so i don't mind “

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