Chapter 25

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That evening, Kabir was pleased he had chosen to have dinner with his parents because he could not believe such a small act as eating with his father could bring such joy to his parents. 

   Naturally, Niyati deserves the credit for this transformation as she has just described the significance of parents in our lives and the necessity of their presence.

When Kabir arrived at the breakfast table the following morning, he saw a message from Niyati informing him of her absence from the college today and assuring him that she would complete the necessary project work the following day.

  Kabir was excited to meet her and was upset to learn of her absence; he was unsure of the reason behind it.   He liked her presence around her. Why? The reason is that he doesn't know  yet.

In any case, Kabir chose not to attend college today as well.  He soon sent his pals a message announcing his decision to skip college.

Kabir kept sleeping in his room throughout the day ; he was not willing to go out today. 

    It was evening when Kabir was having his coffee, when he got a call from Kuldeep who told him to visit the famous bakery and sweet shop of Bangalore. Kabir got confused by the suggested location still he decided to reach there 

When he entered the shop he found mohit and surya already present there, and what surprise him was the big platter of sweets on the table placed between them 

“ Ooh kabir glad you reach on time “

“What's going on?” 

Since Kuldeep needs to place a large order for the wedding, which is taking place ten days from now, he invited us to the sweet tasting.

   "But why should we taste it when this store is so well-known for its baked goods and sweets?"

"You know Swati is very particular about these things, and she gave me this responsibility with so much trust. I do not want to take any risks."

Naturally, it must be Swati. In any case, where is she now?" Labor completed with a chuckle .

"You know how much she loves her job, working in a hospital where else?"

"Indeed, she fully assigned you the responsibility for making all of the wedding arrangements. I have always heard that love can make people blind, but in your case, love make you stupid."

"Oh please stop talking; that is not the case at all, and it does not really matter who makes the arrangements—this is our wedding, after all."

“   Let it be you are a gone case now “

 “ Try this one, “ kuldeep fed a sweet in kabir’s mouth 

 Kabir glared at Kuldeep as he was never fond of sweets. At that same instant, Surya's voice caught their attention.

“Hey mohit, isn't that one is your” nice girl “there?”

 Everyone turns to face the counter, where Niyati was occupied paying a bill when a large cake box was passed to her by some staff members. 

“Oh! yes she is niyati..but why is she buying that big cake,  is it her birthday today? “

Before long, they noticed Alisha standing next to her, carrying additional bags that the staff had given to them.

"It appears that they are planning a birthday party."   Don't tell me it's Avinash's birthday today ?”With a sly smile, Surya remarked.

With hard eyes, Kabir was observing the scene; Surya's final remark infuriated him even more.  He told them 

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