hidden hearts

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A loud bang sound was heard and Adira jerked her head up to see ahead and saw that she banged the car in a tree.
This secret learning driving experience will kill her someday but now she was in trouble .

She look around and relieved that her security team is not around as she already cleverly ditched them
But now what she should do
Her dad and Abeer is not even in option as they both will scold her especially Abeer Bhai

So the only person she could rely on was Dev ,she quickly dialed the no.
In few minutes dev and his security team reached the spot
Dev inspect the condition of car and then the tree

"Bhai .. I am sorry I will not do anything like this next time, pakka "

"Hmm well there will no next time so don't worry ?"

"Why ? What do you mean ?"

"Arey pagli ,they don't allow person in jail to learn driving "

Jail ? What jail "

Prison mithu "

"I don't need the translation but what do you mean by jail . This tree is not going to file complain against me ,is it ?"

"Ofcourse not , but can't say the same about the  forest department they will sue you and then as usual you will lose the case and land into prison "

All the way back home dev kept teasing her that she is going to land in jail
And naive adira has to believed him .

The moment they entered the shekhawat villa

Mithu ran inside the living room and find her complete family siting on the drawing room with some guests
Adira didn't bother about the guests and rush to her dad sobbing badly

Dad ..

The entire shekhawat family stood up in worry to see Adira in such state
Mithu rush to hug his dad
"Dad I dont want to go to jail . I will not eat that food  ,please save me dad "

"What ? What exactly are you talking about ?"

Sorry dad I went for a drive and a accident happend

   Abeer inquired " did you hurt someone?
    Adira nodded , Rudra exhaled a breath while Abeer lost his cool

"Where the hell was yout security ?"

"I ditched them " Adira told sobbing

  " Mithu ..". Abeer was going to scold her but Naina held his hand and made him realise about the guests

Abeer sighed and started dialing his law team
While Adira kept sobbing in his dad's arms

Naina signal Adriti to take Adira in her room ,Adriti  reached to mithu and told her

"Come mithu , you must freshen up and eat some food and change these clothes too "

   Adira gaped at Adriti and told her
" Bhabhi . Clothes! right what about my desinger clothes , I have to  wear a uniform in jail rest of my life " now Adira started wailing loudly

"No one is going to jail princess, tell me how did ths happend and where exactly you banged the car "

    " I was driving...and then my car banged in a tree "

"And .." Abeer asked to know more about the casualty cause.

"That's all, then I called Dev Bhai and he told me that I am going to jail as forest department will sue me"

The people around look at her dumbfounded ,while Adira kept sobbing
Abeer and Rudra took  a sigh of relief as they knew Dev has played a prank on Adira

  A chuckle was heard in the living room
And all heads turn around to see
Mr Karan kapoor who was trying to hold his laugh

The others also joined him with a smile while Abeer cover up

"My sister is quite naive, sorry you have to see all this "

"Its ok mr shekhawat from days I am listening praises about her and now I think my dad mention very less about her ..

    Adira glared at the stranger  who is siting on the sofa infront and laughing at her misery

While Karan got mesmerised by the flawless beauty who is appearing cute with her red nose . And appreciated his dad's choice for him .

Little did Karan knew that girl infront is not only the darling princess  of shekhawat clan but also heartbeat of a man who is truly deeply and madly in love with her since his childhood

Its Non other then the famous popstar
Adheer sikand .

Dear readers

Regarding to your wish
The story which was most requested
The end of July i will start updating the story of Adira and Adheer

Hidden hearts .

And for the readers who didn't read renege till now

Can now read this story on stck me
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More than 50 chapters of this story is free for followers .
Only last 30 will be paid one
But I will suggest all the readers to give a read to free chapters , so you will have an idea about Naina and Adriti

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