chapter 23

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Kabir could not sleep that night because of Niyati's unsettling words.

   Kabir continued to ponder her words, particularly Mohit's agreement that others share the same thought process as Niyati explained. Is he truly so negligent and uncertain about his future?

   Kabir made a deliberate choice to implement drastic measures to improve his reputation.

 The next morning, when Anant was sipping his coffee at the breakfast table, Kabir arrived in the dining area, too. And declared to his dad, 

“ Dad, I want to help you with business. I mean, I wish to join the office.   “

  Anant choked on the coffee and gaped at his son in astonishment 

  “Come again? Did I just hear you talking about work?”

“Yes, you do! Now tell me when I should start? “

“ What happened to you? Is there any problem? I mean, why this sudden decision “

 “What do you mean, why? I am anyway going to handle your business in the future, so why not start now? So tell me when you want me to reach the office.? “

“  Oh son, but what about your college?”

“Dad, why are you asking questions like mom?, I will manage the college and office both. Do you doubt on my efficiency? “ Kabir inquired raising his eyebrow 

“No.. Not at all! So coming to work I think you should start with the new project,,the roadways one ,You can assist Sneha on this.”

“ Sneha! Means Sneha Kapoor. ?” 

“ Yes..  Our company has merged with her dad’s company for this project. 

“Sneha is an exceptionally skilled individual who will provide you with excellent guidance. In addition, she is practically your age, making it effortless for you to work together.”

“Hmm I don’t like her much, but I think I could bear with her for work”

“ Ok, that’s good, so you have to attend a meeting today. I will notify you about the timings. “

   Ok “Kabir grabbed his sandwich and left the house while munching on it. Anant smiled at the sight of his over enthusiastic son. , he was glad that at last Kabir got serious about his life .

  Niyati was sitting in the canteen. She visited Alisha in the morning to check upon her health. Today she was having her lunch alone while Alisha was on sick leave. But the only thing she was glad that she didn’t have to face was that jerk Kabir dhanrajgir till now Nor did he trouble her in the project's name.”

  Niyati’s happiness was short-lived as the next moment she noticed KD entering the canteen. She noticed his eye was searching for something or better than someone.

 Soon their gazes met and KD reached to her table. Last night's incident had already put Niyati in a bad mood. She finds the sight of Kabir Dhanrajgir repulsive.  Niyati clutched her kurta, summoning her fortitude to confront him once more, if required.

   Kabir reached near her table and took the chair on the other side. He passed a file towards niyati and told in a firm tone.

“ I gather the needed research for our project,go through it once and then we will discuss how to make the final project.”

 Niyati held onto her kurti and got loose,she held the papers with a curt nod.

 "Niyati.. One more thing.. I am sorry for last night. You were right. I have no right to interfere or remark on your personal matters.

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