Chapter 37

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Niyati rushed to her she got late  to arrive at the college today. She got relieved when she saw that the professor didn't arrived in the class yet so she quickly got settled on her place which was beside Alisha

Alisha looked at her with sleepy eyes

“ You are late “

“Yeah I know and you are sleepy”

“ Hmm I know , uit what to do last night the party wind up little late, and then the Hitler landlady didn't let me I stayed at my friend”a place

“ Hmm, which friend exactly?”

“ Mohit.  “

“   What ?you stay at his house ?you must have not done that, you should have called me “

“ Yeah I know ,but you were not well so I thought why should I disturb you..”

“ Ooh come on…and wait didn't mohit ‘s family objected your stay “

“No! As  he lives alone in his flat, must say a lavish property. I never thought that he was so rich but guess what he is . Last night I realized Mohit is not as dumb as I assume, he made me comfortable in the only bedroom of his flat and slept in the drawing room.  Isn't it cute?

“Cute? What change dumb to cute , his status or ,lavish home “

“  Shut up… “the professor arrived in the class which put a end to their conversation

  Alisha's reply made niyati shake her head.
Soon they got focused in the class
After attending three lectures in row, Alisha and niyati left the classroom and reached the canteen to have their meal .

  Niyati got settled on a vacant chair and alisha left to food counter to grab some food
Niyati started reading her notes when she felt a presence beside her and she found that Kabir was sitting beside her giving a smile at her

“  Hi “

   Niyati didn't replied she focused on her notes so kabir placed the decorated box in front her

    Niyati noticed the box but still tired to ignore it.Kabir understood she is avoiding him some stated

“Niyati, I bought this for you.. I know you are still furious with me and it's fine I understand your feelings.  But just because of my past flings you don't trust me, but can't you even give me a chance to prove my love for you
I love you and only you.. What I am asking for is a chance and I promise I will never betray you. “

“  Kabir, I already told you what I really feel about you and trust me I will like that you should leave me alone and stop bothering me like this. No matter how many times you  request I am not going to fall for you not in this life at least “

   Kabir gave a glare at her listening to her words.

“Ok then I stop  bothering you but you can't stop me from trying to win over you that too without bothering you. Trust me one day you will come and say these three words for me “

“In your dreams and where are you leaving? Take this gift with you, I don't need this “

.”  It's not a gift that I made a mistake and I promise you that I will repent for it so I am doing  exactly that. It belongs to you now and trust me I don't care what you do with it as I already kept my words “
   Stating this, Kabir left from the canteen in long strides. Niyati sighed and decided to look at the gift , soon she opened the box and her eyes got wide in surprise noticing the exact dupatta that kabir tore out on the wedding

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