chapter 15

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Avinash dropped niyati, and they planned to visit the club the next day, as it was Sunday 

Niyati was excited about this club visit, excited to see a place like this for the first time and nervous about her family’s reaction. No matter, Avinash convinced her he would not let out their visit to the club to her family., but her conscience was not at peace.

 After rejecting her thoughts all night, she informed her family in advance and referred to Dheer uncle as her aunt would definitely overreact to the word "club."

 Dheer listened to his daughter and was very proud of her upbringing, the moment niyati told him. Avinash accompanying her to the club. Dheer was relieved, as Avinash is a trustworthy man, so he gave his consent to Niyati.


That evening, Avinash reached the hostel on time to pick niyati. He gazed at the flower bouquet which he bought on his way for her. Avinash was not sure if niyati would like his gesture or would get upset with him. After resolving with his thought, he kept the bouquet on the back seat and covered it with his jacket, which was lying there.

      Niyati exited from the hostel door and reached to the car where Avinash was waiting for her. They both greeted each other and soon started their journey for the club.

   Within half an hour, they reached the club. Niyati‘s nervousness exceeded ten fold. She was gazing at the surroundings and trying to hide her feelings. 

    Avinash gaze at his side and found Niyati‘s uneasy expression., he held her soft hand in his, niyati gaze at him for his action on which he whispered to her


“You don’t have to worry. I am with you. “

 Niyati smiled at his comforting words, as at this moment she needed it the most. Soon they arrived inside the club. Loud music, dancing couples and people boozing around were the first thing she caught around. To be fair, she was now regretting entering this place and now she has a clear idea why her family was not in favour of them visiting these types of places.

    Avinash searched for  a small table at the corner and both of them for settled there 

Avinash pass a smile at her and tried to comfort her 

 “You know they spread this club on three floors. We are now on the ground floor, then the first floor, which comprises hooka bar and bar. And the third one is a VIP floor which has all the facilities including dance floor hooks,bar and of course bar. All floors have a clear view of the dance floor.

Niyati nodded at this new information. "It seems you visit here frequently “

   No.. Not like that but yes my colleagues and friends love this place and I have to attend their parties here. Come on now, tell me what will you like to drink ?"

“ Don’t mind but I don’t drink. You go ahead with your drink 

“Ooh, come on, I know this. I am asking for some soft drink.. 

   Niyati gave a nod at him, and Avinash ordered the drinks from the waiter., he opted for beer. Which served shortly 

     While having their drinks, Avinash noticed him tapping her foot, so he offered his hand to her 

“May I have the pleasure of dancing with you?”

   Niyati gazed at his hand, and then hesitantly held his hand. Soon they arrived on the dance floor. For a few moments, niyati was hesitating, but soon she started moving on the beats 

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