Chapter 53

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Kabir didn't wait more and reach to her mother who was busy talking with Mohit 

“Mom I have to take care of some important work , see you in the evening” 

 He exited the resort in a long stride and the moment he settled in his car he called Kuldeep .

 “ Check the message I send you a ticket for Agra by the next flight  ,I want you here today “ 

“ But .. why ..  so sudden .. are you ok Kabir ?”

“  You will know when you will reach here,I am waiting for you “ 

Stating that he disconnected the call , and started thinking about the words that he came to know just now .

     Kuldeep was shocked to listen to Kabir's tone; he was sounding like the old Kabir .

Kuldeep was worried for his health so he decided to talk with Anant first .

 Anant was stunned to know about how Kabir asked for Kuldeep's presence in Agra. 

He knew that Kabir was doing fine as Malini kept him updated about his health and she was happy about the way Kabir was enjoying the wedding .

So why did he need kuldeep there so urgently 

Anant told Kuldeep to reach Agra and then inform him about the matter .


While in the resort , niyati was happy to see Mohit  at her sister's wedding . Mohit was the only one who kept in touch with her after her marriage with Avinash . He was there to attend adutya’s First birthday as he was living in the nearby city so he used pay visit to niyati . 

Later Niyati take him in the lawn and told him 

“I want you to know something , Kabir is here too. He is from the groom’s side but you must try to  avoid talking to him or better meeting he already lost his memory in an accident so he didn't remember about his college days .  It's a matter of just a day as the wedding will be finalized today and then he will return to Bangalore and next week I am leaving for New York too .

I hope you understood the situation 

 “ Hmm yeah .. “

 Mohit replied with difficulty hiding about his Blunder that he made the moment he saw Kabir .  He didn't want to make niyati worried and was wishing that Kabir would not take his words seriously.


It was afternoon when Kuldeep reached Agra airport and to his surprise Kabir was himself waiting to receive him , this action of Kabir didn't make him happy, rather he got more worried and scared by that thought  of what's coming next  .

    Kabir and Kuldeep settled in the car and started for the hotel . On the way Kuldeep noticed Kabir”s demeanor which was signaling that Kuldeep is in deep trouble now .

    After reaching the hotel , Kabir ordered some food for both of them while Kuldeep was eagerly waiting to know the reason which made him travel from Bangalore to Agra in short notice. 

“Kabir, could you please tell me what's the matter ?”

“ Let's have food First ,as later we will have a long discussion to do “  

“  Hmm ok ..”  Kuldeep replied ,and started sending messages to Anant's messages who was asking about the same from him .

   The food was served and Kuldeep had it half heartedly , he observed Kabir was also having his food in the same way 

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