chapter 86

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It was almost time for supper when they arrived in Bangalore.
Anant was on the lawn, taking a call.
When the car came to a stop, little Aditya saw Anant and ran towards him.

Anant hung up the phone and cradled little Aditya in his arms.

Oh my sweet little champion. How was the party ? You must have had a great time.

“Hmm party is good but birthday boy was bad”

  Anant raised his eyebrow at his statement while niyati left inside the house and Kabir reached to his dad with little Avni in his arms

    As Anant inquired about the trip, he saw that Kabir had a wound on his palm.

“How did this happen ?”

Avni responded with a pout before Kabir could respond. 

“Da…da…th ta …,”  kabir smiled and kissed on her cheeks

"Dad, it is just a little injury, nothing more."

Anant did not ask many questions when children were around, even though he was well aware of how those injuries happened.

"All right, come on now."

  They all entered the house , avantika and Malini were overwhelmed to meet the kids it was a matter of two days but still the house felt  vacant in their absence

  Avantika noticed Niyati's dull face but she took it  as her tiredness .
As soon as dinner was ready, everyone sat down to eat. All the dinner time was filled with Aditya and his stories about the fight  with Mitansh and the family members are quite enjoying the description given by little boy “

  Niyati's lifeless expression was also noticed by Kabir, but he remained silent because that is how she has been acting since the meeting with Surya.

    It was night when Kabir reached the study room where Anant was waiting for him and passed the file and pen drive to his dad .

“What's this ?”

  “ Aap Ki ladli bahu ke karname “ ( misdeed of your dear daughter in law )

Anant gave Kabir a startled look before holding the file as Kabir described their meeting with Surya and what Surya had disclosed about Sneha and Avinash.

Anant views the video after reviewing the file.

Kabir did nothing but wait for his
Dad's response

He just let out a breath after seeing the club incident's footage and told Kabir.

“I can't even say how much I regret the decision of marrying Sneha with you .
The idea that the person I considered a friend, Kapoor, was the only one attempting to destroy my business is astounding to me.

"It was only a trap to get Sneha married to me."

“Niyati must be devastated too ?  I mean, she had faith in Avinash.

“ No he still trust Avinash and declared Surya as a scriptwriter who is  just blaming Avinash to make my image clear in front of her “

“ What ? She didn't believe even after seeing these proofs” “

“She never saw any proof  dad .. she just keep praising Avinash and cursing Surya “

Anant passed the file to Kabir and told him
“  you must clear her doubt about the club incident at least  , you never drugged her that night “

    “I don't know how to handle all this ,but Surya told me that he will find out more about Avinash
That man turned out to be more cunning than we anticipated.

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